Generosity Is Like A Breath Of Fresh Air
By Anne O'Dwyer
You don't realize how generous people are until you are in trouble. Yesterday afternoon I called into the local supermarket, but on returning to my car disaster struck. My key stuck in the door lock and wouldn't budge! My phone was at home and the spare key I hadn't seen since the car was serviced, so I had no idea where it was!
So stranded in the car park with no phone and a car that was going nowhere - with a bunch of keys hanging from the door, 6 miles from home! To the rescue, a man with a van gave me a can of lubricant, the security man and trolley man tried to help and they eventually saw an AA van arrive. He had called in to do his shopping on the way home!
So I now have a years AA membership. The AA man removed the lock and I got home safely. Today a neighbour compared keys, (I found the spare), and decided it was the key that was worn not the lock, so now I have purchased a new spare key and he will refit the lock barrel in the door.
Meanwhile today the man from the key-cutting kiosk took the chip out of the old key to save me �35 and fitted it into the key he cut. So I have seen at first-hand kind deeds from 6 people, they all tried to help me resolve my disaster. It gives you a warm feeling when people freely try to help. Oh I all most forgot to mention a little boy who tried to offer many er.. helpful comments!
Recently I read a story of how a homeless man, in America I believe, had spent his last coins on petrol which he walked to fetch for a girl who broke down along an isolated highway. She was so grateful she set up crowd funding to raise money to help him. The public responded generously and thousands of pounds poured in to the charity she had set up.
So with all to-days bad news it is great to find stories of kindness and generosity.
Have You read:
"Ask for the Moon and Get It! By Percy Ross a philanthropist, now dead, but in his life-time he gave away over 100 bikes to deserving children and much more. You will find an interesting article on Google under his name, or of course you could read his book. He began his life in poverty. It tells how at six he began selling eggs to neighbours, a very touching story.
So hoping all this kindness makes you feel good too!
Hello My name is Anne
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Article Source: Generosity Is Like A Breath Of Fresh Air