Elected Officials Should Prioritize The COMMON Good

Elected Officials Should Prioritize The COMMON Good

By Richard Brody

Wouldn't a so - called, representative democracy, such as we supposedly have, in the United States of America, be better served, if our elected officials, prioritized the needs, goals, priorities, perceptions, and objectives of the electorate, rather than their own personal agenda, politics, and/ or self - interest? Perhaps, it's the system, where many, in this country, fail to exercise their right to vote, nor even consider it their responsibility! Maybe, these politicians feel, either, entitled, emboldened, or believe, they can pull the proverbial, wool, over our eyes, and get away with their behavior, without ramifications! Shouldn't our representatives/ elected officials, focus, consistently, on the COMMON good, in order to serve the nation's best interests? With that in mind, this article will briefly, attempt, to review, consider, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means, and why it's both, relevant and significant.

1. Creative; character: Let's demand, we are represented by individuals, who seek creative, relevant solutions, rather than politics, as usual! If elected officials, possessed the quality of character, which might make a difference, for the better, American citizens would be served, far more effectively, etc! Look at our members of Congress, and present President, and consider, if they are prioritizing our needs and best interests, or there's?

2. Options; objectives: Why do we, so rarely, witness, meaningful options, even being seriously explored, by the people, we vote for? Is it because, everything is working, as well as possible, or because, their objectives, are not based on what's best for us, and/ or the country, but rather what's expedient, or politically popular? Shouldn't the common good, require the pursuit of the best ways, and best interests, rather than over - relying, on empty rhetoric, and/ or promises?

3. Make mark: Examine how those we elect to public office, and whether, they are individuals, who will make their mark, for the better, and best interests, of the common good! If this was our focus and direction, we would focus on what's needed and necessary, than, merely, populist, etc!

4. Motivate: What is their true motivation, and do they inspire and motivate others, to prioritize the American freedoms, this nation, has represented to the rest of the world? Only when their motives are to make us better, rather than promoting their personal agenda and/ or self - interests, will the common good, become the priority!

5. Overcome obstacles: There will always be obstacles, and when these are treated as challenges, to overcome, rather than as problems, we all become better, and more relevant. Always consider how a public official, handles these incidents, and whether, they seek viable solutions, or merely, resort to constantly blaming and complaining, for political purposes!

6. Needs; never say no: Elect individuals who never say, no, to the possibilities, and the right course, which stresses and emphasizes enrichment, and American freedoms! Leaders must focus on needs, and prioritize the right, best course of action, rather than, merely, the populist ones!

Wake up America, and demand, our leaders emphasize protecting and enhancing our American freedoms, liberties, and rights! Participatory government, means making those in leadership positions, serve and represent/ protect, our freedoms, etc!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics: http://facebook.com/commonsense4all

Article Source: Elected Officials Should Prioritize The COMMON Good

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