Why Great Leaders WELCOME Questions

Beware of anyone in any position of leadership, who appears to avoid answering or responding to questions, inquiries, or even, criticism! Why would someone avoid answering, if he had faith and genuine belief, in his approach, actions, etc? Listen carefully, and see if questions are answered directly, versus, whether they are dodged/ avoided. If someone has a communications, press secretary, or designee, does that person seem forthright, or not? After four decades of identifying, qualifying, training, developing and consulting to thousands of leaders, and an equal amount of time, training sales people, I have consistently communicated, the need, to clearly, succinctly explain one's reasoning, and motivate others to adopt it as their own, not by subterfuge, or distortion, but rather by welcoming queries, as an opportunity to best explain, what is needed, and why! This article will briefly review some of the reasons, great leaders WELCOME questions. Remember: when someone questions something, it means they are thinking about it, and isn't that what you seek and want?

1. Who; what; where; when; why: Begin with explaining why something is needed, slowly and thoroughly! Introduce your timetable, so they understand when you hope to begin implementing your plan! What actions will need to be taken? Where will you begin? Who will be responsible for making this plan work?

2. Excellence; empower: If one focuses on doing the best he can, and seeks excellence, rather than settling for mediocre, doesn't it make it so much easier to explain the rationale, purpose, and reasons, for proceeding forward? The more your constituents undertake, and are made part of the process, the more you empower them, to care and become more involved, committed, and hopefully, seek future leadership roles!

3. Listen; learn; leadership: One of the first lessons, leaders must learn and take to heart, is to fully listen, before responding! When you interrupt, you open up the possibility of a Pandora's Box, where your responses bring forth more questions than answers, and rather than answering and comforting, might have a detrimental, negative impact. Listen effectively, so you can learn what the perceptions, needs, concerns and priorities are, of those you serve, and so you can best serve your constituents. Dedicate your efforts to learning from everything you hear, and do, and focus on effective leadership.

4. Curious; clarity; character: Look at questions as indicating interest and curiosity, and help others better understand what you're saying, not to your satisfaction, but to theirs! Seek as much clarity as possible, and welcome questions, in a friendly, open - minded, empathetic manner. Let your constituents witness the quality of your character!

5. Opinions; options; opportunities: Listen thoroughly, and clearly differentiate between unsubstantiated opinions, and actual facts. Despite some, who believe there are alternative facts or truths, there are not. There are various methods and approaches, and those believing in their opinions generally believe strongly in them, but, it is your responsibility, to effectively differentiate between fact and fiction! Proceed in an open - minded, alternative - seeking, way, so you can understand and consider options, and prepare for the relevant, best opportunities!

6. Message, meaning; meeting of the minds: How clearly will you articulate your message? Receiving, and answering questions, gives you the opportunity to better explain the meaning. Don't be adversarial, but rather, seek a meeting of the minds!

7. Empathy: Be an empathetic leader! Explain benefits, not merely data, and get your stakeholders better engaged, and involved!

Don't fear, or avoid questions, but, rather, WELCOME them! When others ask for additional information, etc, it shows they are paying attention, and care!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: Why Great Leaders WELCOME Questions
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