This refers to the model agency you have signed up for. Modeling agencies are responsible for their model's safety, overall job experience, payment and every other aspect of their job.
They are also known as model managers and are the main point of contact for models and clients. Bookers have an important responsibility of acquiring clients, selecting the right models and rate of payment for each job. They also have to inform relevant models of job opportunities and every other relevant detail.
Casting Call
Casting calls are different from agency interviews, and specific to clients and the jobs you are applying for as a model. Agency interviews ask general questions and want to find out more about you as person and to see what type of modeling job would suit you best as a model. Casting call met out specific requirements requested by clients, such as specific age, ethnicity, gender that potential clients are expecting.
Client refers to the person or organization that seeks a modeling agency to hire models for their specific project or job need. In general there are 2 categories, commercial and fashion clients. Commercial projects, such as television commercials or print advertisements need people of various types and most models are eligible for these jobs. Another is fashion, whereby clients are usually from editorials, runway modeling etcetera.
Comp card
Short for composite card is a business card for models that is given to clients as well. It contains headshots on the front, and body shots on the back of the card usually. It also contains a model's vital statistics.
Close-up shot
Another term for headshot or portrait photo where the model's neck and face are focused upon in the photo (can sometimes include shoulders). Facial features and emotional expressions thus take high importance in these shots.
Contains comp card, test shoots, other project photos and all the important details and information about a model. If a client is interested in a model, a portfolio of that model is presented to the client for their consideration.
Sometimes known as a Scouting agent, is the person who is responsible for finding and attracting new and potential models into the agency. They go to city centers and other high profile events such as beach parties to seek for talent, and offer them opportunities to join the agency. Scouters are trained to be aware of the industry needs and are required to be professional in their engagement with the public.
Vital Statistics
These are important numbers that indicate what category of modeling you will belong to. This helps narrow down and place you in jobs that suit your body type. The 3 numbers that consist of your vital stats are the bust, waist and hip size.
With the above important terms, we hope that you will be able to use this knowledge effectively to communicate better as a model.
There are many terms nevertheless, but the above mentioned are necessary for any Singapore model to know. Reach out the right agency such as Create Talents and Models to guide you through to achieve your aims and dreams.
By Rachel Evan
Article Source: Important Terms That Every Model Should Be Familiar With