Psalm 95:2 Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving,Let us shout joyfully to him with psalms.

1Thessalonians 5:18 Be thankful in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

When we think about our lives and where God brought us from, we will have cause to thank him for everything. Most people fell into depression because they did not count their blessing one by one and see what God had  done for them.

A man once said if God open your eyes to see how many times he had saved you,or how many times you think you failed and it is God helping  you out of danger ,you will forever be grateful. Thanksgiving is one of the key weapon to frustrate every of the enemies’ plans in a believers life.

When praises go up, blessings come down. God once told Israelites to go to battle field with priest and they should sing praises to him with no weapon,that might look foolish but with that little instruction they were able to defeat mighty warriors when God turned them against themselves and each killed another.

Solomon received wealth he never asked for because of his grateful heart. You want your life to be whole and perfect, give thanks and watch God do his work.


Prayer: Father in the name of Jesus,thank you for everything you have done for me. Amen

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