New Reality

New Reality

Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin.
I Corinthians 1:30 (NLT)

It is easy to miss the reality of what Christ has done for us. We get so caught up in our everyday living. Our habits, thoughts, emotions constantly remind us of our humanness. However, Paul shares that there is another reality. There is a new you! It was created in Christ when you were born again. Born again as in a "new" creature. So what is this new creature? It is royalty, a new child of God. Not made with flesh and blood like you were in your mother's womb, but rather born again in the Spiritual realm. God took you, with your own self-will and sinfulness and made you right with Him. He created you this time, pure and holy and most of all He has freed you from the power of sin. It is hard to believe but you don't have to strive to be right with God. You don't have to earn God's love. When Christ died on the Cross you received His free gift of salvation. He freed you from sin that very moment. He made you over again, pure and holy. He canceled all records of your wrongdoing and made you right with Him. Today, live in this freedom. Look into the mirror of God's love and see what He sees.

Father, thank You for Your love and forgiveness. Thank You for freeing me from sin. Thank You for Your salvation and for making me pure and Holy in Your sight. 

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