Time Is a Mysterious Factor - Let Us First Know About the Present

How could an object be located in space? While the first three dimensions are used to specify its location in the space, the fourth dimension time, locates its position in time.

Space and time are inseparable. Time could not be easily explained. For our convenience sake we are saying present tense, past tense and future tense.

The events that had happened is past. The events which we are experiencing now is present and what is to come is future.

But these tenses are related. Swami Vivekananda once explained that all the three tenses are mingled together if you see them from an infinite height. You can take whatever tense you want at that level and see what is happening at that moment.

How could this be explained? Very Easy. Imagine one person is travelling in a train. In the compartment, he is able to see through the window up to a distance. The person sitting opposite to him will be able to see the other side through the window up to a distance. The person who is sitting in the compartment next to the engine could see a little more. Suppose if a person travels sitting on the roof of the train he could see everything in front, back, right and left.

Now could anyone say who is exactly in the present tense? Before you say, this moment starts, it ends within a second. The present becomes past in a second and the future becomes the present in that second. So, who is living exactly in the present? And whose vision is the 'present' vision among the travelers, the person whom we referred first or the person opposite to him or the one who is in the compartment next to engine or the person who is sitting on the roof top of the train?

For the person who is on the roof top other person's past is also present. And other person's future also present. At a higher level all the tenses are mingled.

All are in present tense only but their vision is full or partial depending upon the obstructions or limits.

So our views regarding present tense is only relative! Actually we are all in present tense only.

The train is moving and hence all the persons are in 'Continuous Present".

This is exactly the Hindu religion says about time. We are ever in Continuous Present.

Time is ever flowing. Nobody could explain it. Nobody could escape from it also.

Space and time are inseparable. Living in the present is desirable. For this, continuous effort is required. Because all are either fuming about the past or hoping about the future.

The Zen Buddhism and Hinduism emphasize to live in the present. If you are able to live in the present then nothing could stop your success.

This is one aspect of Time. We will explore further in our future article.

Nagarajan has written more than 3000 articles in Tamil in 18 magazines and published 52 books. He is revealing Eastern Secret Wisdom through T.V. Programmes, magazine articles, seminars, courses. He has covered various subjects in his wide range of articles which include Mantras, Yantras, Yoga, Meditation, Astrology, Astronomy, Space Science, Science and Spirituality, Hollywood cinema, Women's progress, Aura, Significance of Colors, Reincarnation, Divine Geometry, Power of Prayer etc. As an ardent seeker of Truth, he has collected scientific experiments on mantras, mind, Auto suggestion etc. He has written many articles on para psychology also. His email:  snagarajans@gmail.com.

 By Santhanam Nagarajan

Article Source: Time Is a Mysterious Factor - Let Us First Know About the Present
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