Evolution Vs Creation
By Uche Mbah
The question has always been asked whether the earth and, by extension, human beings were created or evolved from per-existing matter. Evolutionists insist that we have apes as our ancestors while the religious believe that humans were created, often citing the scriptures as irrefutable authority they rely on.If you ask them, they will swear that the Bible was sent from heaven through an e-mail attachment. In this article, I am going to show that the middle way is actually the correct way, for the human body evolved from ape, while the real man, the soul, is created.
Let us get down to brass tasks. The world, according to Albert Einstein, started via a big bang, when a ball of energy exploded in a big bang and the Universe started to expand. What Einstein never told us was that he was scientifically stating the beginning of creating as enunciated by Bible scholars.The Big Bang was synonymous with the Fiat "Let There Be Light" as recorded in the Bible."In the beginning", Genesis wrote, "God created heaven and earth. The earth was without form and void... " The heaven is what is called the Divine realm, and the earth was the created Universe. A point of light was placed outside the divine realm and started radiating outwards through the dark void, depositing planes of existence on its way. Seven planes were deposited within a period, as reported by the seven days creation report. The explosion of the point of Light was the big bang, but the earth was not yet part of this. It was a byproduct of the Big bang itself.
The earth itself came from what may be described as primitive soup originally made of ether, which, as time goes on, condensed to what is seen and called the various Astral plane, which are majorly three immediate different parts of the beyond.Through the cooling over millions of years, the solid earth emerged gradually through friction and radiation condensation. Initially it was a soft crust with a fiery core, until through radiation transformation the crust began to evolve germs that ended up as the early bacteria and mono cell organisms.In this way later combinations resulted in complex cell structures and early plants like lichens etc.began to form. more maturity of the soil, with formation of rocks, resulted in developments of primitive giant eggs, which later evolution saw as becoming increasingly smaller and sustainable, unlike the initial ones that never developed but relapsed into primitive systems. Later eggs later developed into amphibious animals and later into flying birds. It took time for evolution to mature to the level of the animals laying eggs. Hence it is clear that the chicken-egg riddle is hereby solved.
This was the steady evolution until mammals came, and finally the most advanced animals in the form of apes came int the scene, and reached the peak of maturity about four million years ago.
To continue, it should be noted that the duality of nature is an incontrovertible fact that everyone unconsciously acknowledges when we talk of our body. The body is a property of the soul, which, when it departs at death, the body becomes referred to as "it". So are animals. But the soul of animals is different from that of the human being, which is why humans cannot take transfusion of animal blood. The blood is formed by the soul at the entrance of the soul at he middle of pregnancy.
So it was until human souls entered the body of the most advance animals instead of animal souls, and that point the animals became erect and within a short time, was able to stand on two legs and show an upward gaze.
These animals were of different colors, about seven, scattered around the globe. There were brown, black, white,yellow, red, green and blue humans initially. Green and blue became extinct, but the others survived.
Hence the Grail Message shows us the way, even in our common history.
Article Source: Evolution Vs Creation