Attention Lightworkers: The Doorway to Your Sacred Authority

We talk a lot about Lightworkers becoming empowered, fulfilling their purpose, shifting into their authority. It is the very thing that keeps lightworkers going, knowing that there really is a better way for you, that you really are more than your current life, your current expression shows. And it is the Truth. But many lightworkers get stuck on a merry-go-round of trying to solve the problem by themselves. And here's the glitch - the problem lies in where you're operating from, and your thinking and perception is developed and well-grounded in that same place. In this article, I will be clarifying what is required to shift from where you are, to the migrational path leading you to where you are being drawn. But first, I will introduce some important points to help with clarity!

The first point to make is that there is no switch that is going to get you from where you stand right now into the ultimate experience of authority and power in a single flick. We are talking about multiple dimensional shifts and all of the work it takes for you to move into each of those dimensional states, and the paradigm shifts that go with them, and then to master them. There is no switch, there is just persistence and focused intention. Only you can choose this and only you can keep choosing it.

The second is that whilst the path is built overall, for all Lightworkers, for your individual experience, you will still have times when you find yourself hacking your way through dense jungle of darkness, confusion and pain whilst at other times it will all open up into a vast multi-lane freeway of light flow and your will experience huge shifts of consciousness, grinning like a chesire cat and yelling (mostly in your mind) "woooohoooo, what a ride!!!". It's just what it takes and that's all there is to it.

The third point that is critical to understand is that you can't do it all on your own. It has taken you life times on Earth to build as much authority as you have so far, do you really want to spend lifetimes getting to where you want to be? It's not a good thing and it's not necessary. Find a mentor, a teacher, someone who is clearly shifting into their own authority, someone who clearly is a 'way shower', someone who clearly is living what they are talking about and is open not only about their authority, but also their journey, that they continue to learn and expand. Someone who is clearly much further along the road than you. Make sure they talk about multi-dimensionality with experience, make sure your soul loves and resonates with their soul.

So now, having set the scene, I will share what defines the doorway (the first stage) that you need to use to access and expand into your Sacred Authority.

The first is the Heart Alignment and Activation work. This is critical because your entire system is out of alignment and malfunctioning until you are not only truly anchored in your heart chakra, but increasingly operating from that state. If you are going to do it, make sure you do it consistently. Throughout the day, every day. This will pull your entire system increasingly into alignment. Really important!

The second is the Energy System Clearing work - this must be done by someone who really knows what they are doing! Energy clearing, and I'm not just talking about dark cloudy stuff, I'm talking about removing entities and implants from your system, going deeper and deeper, and hopefully, if you are able, you learning how to do it for yourself. This work starts retraining your system to align to your Light Consciousness rather than being run by external interference, please don't dismiss this.

The third is Soul and System Repair work - again, it must be done by someone who really knows their stuff! Shutting down vast tracks of damage in your soul field will expand the amount of Light Consciousness and the level of authority of the Light Consciousness beyond anything you can imagine. This work changes and accelerates Everything! The more that is done, the more you accelerate in your shifts and the more you are able to truly shift into mastery for each of the dimensional shifts you'll be going through. It's just that simple and that important.

Through all of this work, you'll be changing, you will develop your own skill and authority in the work that is going on and you may be able to take some of it on yourself.

Be ready to be pushed and pulled, shifted and changed. Make sure you live in the state of open-mindedness, not just about concepts and energetics, but about you. The definition of you. What you are, who you think you are will shift, change and expand many times over as you shift. If you are able to recognise wounded clinging to certain definitions of you, then you can easily shift beyond them when the time comes around.

Remember, this is no quick fix route to anything. If you are looking for speedy solutions to money issues, to find your Twin Flame or for anything else, this isn't likely to change that quickly. It does however present true authority, which means if the quick fixes haven't been working for you, perhaps you need to go deeper and if that's the case, this is the way to go. Surrender your fears and get focused on aligning with your Sacred Authority.

Daniella has been working in the field of Consciousness Mentoring and Energy Work since 1997. Her core drive is working with others to bring them into True Empowerment through aligning them with their Soul and Sacred Consciousness. If you want to learn more about The Mentoring Program, go here -

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