Many times trouble is accompanied by losses, one right after the other. It is a shedding of the old that will no longer be needed as we become the new. What is without dispute is that a multitude of methods may be employed to take what you have but no one can take what you are destined to become. This is the joker in the deck that can trump every other card! By whatever method Is available, we all become what we are being reshaped to be.
Being forced to travel a road that is particularly difficult signifies the depth of the change we are being prepared for. It is also an indicator of how far off our chosen path we may have strayed. There are very definitive steps in the process. Just as a package is dropped into the mailbox, picked up, dropped at the post office, sorted and transported to the next facility and then on and on until it arrives at the desired destination, there are short, temporary stays on the way for humans. There will be times when the package will be temporarily out of place until it is delivered. So too is the human who is becoming; the life path will make short stops to readjust and be rerouted in order to be successfully delivered. This may leave one feeling like they are totally out of place. It is a part of the plan on the way to being delivered to the destination. Setbacks are set ups for success!
Take heart if you are in this process. Trouble prods you on down the road and forces turns that you may not have dared in the past. Those uncomfortable places where you fee stalled and stuck are the times to pay close attention. Even though you are certain you have no need to learn the lesson before you rest assured that just down the path you will need everything you have learned there to successfully navigate to your destination. You are on the way to a successful delivery to your highest and best good!
Perhaps the best part of this transformation in knowing that once you have learned these lessons and become balanced and confident in the 'new you' life will have prepared you and made you strong enough to charge the gates of hell with a water pistol... and win!
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By Alexa Keating
Article Source: Trouble, the Transportation to Transformation