7 Reasons Voters Continue Supporting Public Officials, Despite Their Flaws

By Richard Brody

One of the realities of the American electorate is, they often, seem, to want, to be fooled, and buy - into, the rhetoric, and, often - empty promises, made by politicians, when they are running, for office. I've often believed in the adage, One must never over - estimate, the imminent stupidity of the American voter, because, over - and - over, again, politicians have made promises, and usually, these never came to fruition. Until the electorate decides to become less apathetic, and/ or gullible, and, pay more attention, to qualifications, reasoning, and the realities (both, what they want/ wish for, as well as less - desired), than personalities, promises, and unrealistic expectations, the essential flaws of our system, will continue to be exposed! This article will attempt to briefly examine, and review, why so many Americans continue supporting an individual, despite the many, somewhat flaws and inconsistencies (as well as lies), exhibited.

1. Buy - into their rhetoric: When Donald Trump ran for office, from mid - 2015, through November, 2016, he connected with his core supporters, by stoking their fears, angers, and anxieties. He, often, made claims, which were unsubstantiated, and appeared, to propose ideas, without considering a viable solution, and/ or reality. Because many Americans, felt their lives could, and should, be better, they supported a candidate, they perceived, as being willing, to change things. In addition, many bought - into the vitriol, and prejudices, expressed, by a candidate. The real question, should be, why do these people, continue, to support someone, who has taken many actions, which seem to be opposed, to his promises, and rhetoric?

2. Believe they share values: In an attempt to be objective, I have wondered, why Trump's core supporters, many of which, claim to be, evangelical, etc, continue to believe in an individual, who, somewhat, obviously, resorts to mis - statements, etc.

3. Pet peeves/ projects: Anger is often, a more motivating force, than seeking viable solutions, etc! When a voter shares resentment, against, some particular situation, they often put blinders on, and focus, merely on their perceived, self - interest, etc.

4. Overlook flaws, to get their way: While we all, want our way, and will often, overlook things, if we feel, it's an expedient way, to get our objectives, when this is the constant focus, it creates many potential risks, and undesirable ramifications!

5. False sense of respect/ admiration: One must recognize, there is a big difference, between respecting the office of the Presidency, and the individual, occupying the office! An elected official must be ready, willing, and able, to earn the respect!

6. Naive; trusting: When one gets fooled, once, it might be, a circumstance, of shame on that person! On the other hand, when fooled again, this transforms to shame on you! If the electorate hopes to become better served, and represented, they must, proceed, with their, eyes - wide - open!

7. Blindly accept, without fact - checking: Political fact - checkers have proclaimed, President Trump, has made significant mis - statements, an average of approximately 6 times, per day, since he assumed office. Why do so many of his core supporters, continue, believing his rhetoric, etc? Perhaps, because they want to!

If you want better, public officials, you must assume your responsibility, and look beyond, the rhetoric and promises. Will you begin to pay more attention, and be less apathetic?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics: http://facebook.com/commonsense4all

Article Source:  7 Reasons Voters Continue Supporting Public Officials, Despite Their Flaws

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