Addiction: Time To Fight Fire With Fire

Webster's Dictionary defines disease as: 1) a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal functioning and is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms; or 2) a harmful development. Under that definition, addiction certainly qualifies.

With one in four Americans currently suffering from some form of 'chemical use disorder,' 'alcohol abuse disorder,' or opiod, or heroin or methamphetamine issue. It's attacking us from all directions.

This disease has diagnosable symptoms that can be measured and treated. It also comes with a spiritual facet. It breaks the user down on a 'soul level' to the point that the person disconnects, or tries to, from the Source, God or Yahweh or whoever a person exalts. I proudly serve Jesus of Nazareth God is called by many names. Language doesn't matter; connection does. Break that merger and the battle for the soul becomes easy.

I am not qualified to address religious topics. The Bible has been in my hands since I was little and I have read it continually through life. It inspires much of my thought. One 'movement' I've come to be aware of is called the Illuminati. It challenges the Christians and all loving religions to suit up and drive those followers off with our combined, communal light. We each have 'a little light of mine' and now are called to 'let it shine.'

They have made some headway in destruction. There have been gruesome pictures splashed across the news of beheadings, bombs and bedlam. I've made myself watch some in order to understand the strength of this evil power. It is Satan itself and his dark energy that infuses ISIS and all its splinter groups.

Setting aside what causes addiction, it is another war being fought on American soil by so many. The epidemic is here, it's here in full-force, wreaking havoc on more humans than any war to date.

The addict is not to blame. It is a brain disease, an imbalance that can be corrected once properly identified. If addiction is finally confirmed to be a chemical imbalance in the brain, shouldn't treatment include new methods, medications and strategies to slow or end this national epidemic?

Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung believed the addiction to ethanol alcohol to be "the equivalent, on a low level, of the spiritual thirst of our being for wholeness, expressed in medieval language: the union with God." He noted that alcohol in Latin is "spiritus" and claimed the same word is used for "the highest religious experience as well as the most depraving poison." "Spiritus Contra Spiritum" was his way of saying 'fight fire with fire.'

The answer is as easy as it is complex: The way out is also the way in.

 By Sherry Lynn Daniel

Article Source: Addiction: Time To Fight Fire With Fire

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