Are you looking into investing in a smart home? Here’s what you need to know…

With such a technology focussed world, it can be hard to keep up with the latest gadgets and most of all keeping up with the things you may actually need, instead of adding to the bundle of products that were once a trend. 

Smart homes are said to be the next best thing but how do you know if a smart home is for you?

The ever-changing smart home can seem a bit daunting when you consider that you’ll no longer need keys to access your home. Instead, you can enter your home with just your phone. Gone too are the worries of leaving the taps or heating on thanks to apps which allow you to control these things remotely. You can even say hello to your furry friends whilst you’re at work. But is all this worth it, and how much can it actually help you?


The Benefits of a smart home


Decrease your utility bills

Greater control

Improved safety


Who is a smart home good for?


The vulnerable

With systems that can help with daily reminders, alarms and secure safety, a smart home can be a huge help for someone vulnerable.

A busy household

We can all forget to turn off the lights or the heating and a smart home can help you do these things on the go, saving you money and stress.

Someone with a regular routine

If you have a regular routine, your smart home can be programmed to assist you with the little things. It can turn on your heating before you come home or stick the kettle for when you wake up.

The savers

Having a smart home can help you keep track of all your utilities in one place, letting you keep a close eye on what bills you could cut down on each month.


Whether you parent a child or a beloved pet, home security is always important. Being able to quickly check in on your phone and see who is in your home and what they are doing through smart cameras can be a huge help and offers great comfort. 


Most used smart home products


63% Locks & Alarms

58% Lighting

56% Carbon monoxide detectors

63% Thermostats & Fan

So, will you be an avid smart home user?


If this has convinced you and you're now in need of a local electrician, make sure you do your research so that your smart home is being fitted correctly. 


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