I Love Your Book! May I Have Your Autograph?

I Love Your Book! May I Have Your Autograph?

Monday, August 5, 2019

Bible Reading: John 1:1-5, 14

The Word became human and lived here on earth among us. John 1:14

SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD soccer fanatic Lucy Chavez had dominated her age group every year in the park league. Now she was dreaming that someday she would play soccer in the Olympics. But the competition kept getting tougher, and Lucy knew she had to play smarter just to stay ahead.

Then she discovered that her idol, Olympic soccer star Erin Dupree, had just pub­lished a book about soccer. In a snap Lucy ordered the book online for overnight delivery. It was the most comprehensive approach to soccer Lucy had ever seen. It was so complicated that Lucy sometimes gave up in frustration when she tried to read it. The information was there, but she wasn’t getting it.

One day during soccer practice, her coach called out to her from the sideline. “Lucy,” she hollered, “you need to plant your foot more ahead of the ball.” When Lucy turned to acknowledge her coach, she saw another woman standing beside her-Erin Dupree. “Erin and I grew up together,” Coach explained. “She’s in town on a book-signing tour this week and wanted to check out the team. Erin suggested the correction I just gave you.”

“Your coach has told me a lot about you,” the former Olympian said, “and I like what I see. I would love to talk with you about your game. Can we get together after practice a few days this week?”

Can you imagine Lucy saying something like, “Thanks for the offer, but I have to hurry home from practice every day to study your book”? Not likely.

Unless Lucy has taken one too many headers, that girl will jump at the chance to get to know the author. What better way to understand a book than to have the au­thor right there to explain it?

Understanding the Bible and having its truth really come alive to you happens the same way. You need a personal relationship with the author; the one John calls “the Word.” That’s right-the Bible you read and Jesus Christ its author are both called the Word of God. In Revelation, John describes Christ this way: “His name is the Word of God” (19:13, NIV).

Whenever you open your Bible, you are getting involved with God’s written Word and his living Word. You are sitting down with the one who embodies the words you are reading, one who is eager to help you understand and put into action what he wrote.

REFLECT: Are you taking advantage of God’s offer to teach you from his Word?

PRAY: Spend some time thanking God for getting so personally involved in sharing his Word with you.

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