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Colossians 3:1-2 (NKJV) If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

When we read a verse like this, it should make us say, “Wow!  So that is how God sees me.  He sees me raised with Him.”  It should make it so much easier to set our minds on things above, and not on things of this earth. Each day, as you go about your daily tasks, keep God on your mind, and you will see that whatever things come your way, through Him, you will be able to do them, and enjoy them!

All things do work out for the good of those who set their minds on the King.  Brother Lawrence, a monk who wrote the book “Practicing the Presence of God,” said, “I have found that the shortest way to God is to go straight to Him.” It sounds so simple, and you know what, it is!  It is when you set your mind on Him, when you think about Him and His goodness during the course of the day, that no matter what happens, you know God will get you through.

God, our Heavenly Father, has promised us that He would never leave us or forsake us.  He has promised us that goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives.  We also know from His Word that no weapon formed against us will prosper, and that He will work all things out for our good.

So today, do not let anything get in your way from seeking Him and giving Him first place in your life.  If you do your part, He has promised that He will do His part.  We might be in this world, but according to the scriptures we are not of this world.  We are seated with Christ in heavenly places, and if that is the way the Father see us, then that is the way I am going to live and act.

Confession:  This is a new day with a new goal.  Today, I am going to keep my Heavenly Father on my mind.  I know He is always there, but today I am going to make a decision to acknowledge Him throughout the day, and to live life like He is right there, because He really is!

Today’s Bible Reading

1 Chronicles 28 – 29

Romans 5:6-21

Psalms 15

Proverbs 19:18-19

Bible in a Year: 365-Day Reading Plan : English | King James Version (KJV)

Today’s Bible reading from Old Testament : Amos 8, Amos 9

Today’s Bible reading from New Testament : Romans 5:12-21

Today’s Bible reading from Psalms and Proverbs: Proverbs 17:15-24

Bible in a Year: 365-Day Reading Plan : English | New Living Translation (NLT)

Today’s Bible reading from Old Testament : Amos 8, Amos 9

Today’s Bible reading from New Testament : Romans 5:12-21

Today’s Bible reading from Psalms and Proverbs: Proverbs 17:15-24

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