Mark 16:17-18 (NKJV) And these signs will follow those who believe… 18….they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.

God, our Father, has made provision for us in all areas.  God cares about our eternal well-being, and He cares about our life here on the earth.  Jesus came that we might have life, and that more abundantly. Healing is the children’s bread, and it belongs to those who are in Christ Jesus.

When we look at this verse, it says that the believing ones would lay hands on the sick and they will recover.  Many times, we miss it when we have hands laid on us and we do not see any change. But this verse says that they shall recover.  It might happen instantly, or it might happen in a while.  What we need to do is to hold on to the promise that we will recover.

We are not to be moved by sight, but by faith in His Word, and as we hold on to his precious promises, they will come to pass.  There are times when holding on seems so hard, and it can be, but let God be true.  He is not a man that He should lie.  So today, if you have had hands laid on you for healing, hold on to the promise of the Word.  God’s Word says that the believer will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover!

Confession:  I have had hands laid on me, and I will recover.  God’s Word is true, and my body must line up with God’s Word.  I will fight the good fight of faith and I will win, because God cannot lie and His Word is true.  Thank you Lord that I am healed!

Today’s Bible Reading

Nehemiah 5:14 – 7:72

1 Corinthians 8

Psalms 33:1-11

Proverbs 21:8-10

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