Differences you should know between traditional Education and Montessori Education

"Education is a phase of introducing children to fundamental learning through the use of a medium that is engaging, less straining and more recreational in nature.

Well, here we will describe why our organisation has chosen Montessori but not the regular method of teaching

Few factors are...

The prepaid environment:

Montessori classrooms are prepared in advance based on observations of the studentsý individual needs. They include student-centered lessons and activities. Traditional classrooms are based on teacher-centered lessons or activities.

Active vs Passive

Montessori lessons are hands-on and active. Students discover information for themselves. Traditional school lessons are often orated to students who listen passively, memorize, and take tests.

Child participation in learning

Montessori learning is characterized by active child participation through hands on experience on various activities

Pupils are passive learners in traditional learning. They are expected to get it from the teacher instead of doing it themselves.


A self sense of pride and esteem motivates the learners to love their education in Montessori and their accomplishments also play a role in motivating them.

In regular learning, motivation is believed to come from external sources and children are expected to learn because it is mandatory. Learning is part of their curriculum.

Main objective

The major objectives of Montessori education focus on development of social, intellectual, emotional as well as acquisition of practical and academic skills.

The major objective of regular learning is intellectual as well as academic development of the children. The learners are expected to pass the tests and examinations.

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