Retail - All You Need to Know About the Role of a Fashion Buyer

By Bruce Thomsan

Ever thought about how fashion products reach the shelves of a retail store, how brands know what their customers love, or how a store manages to offer a wide range of designer clothing and re-stock the merchandise well in time? Well, behind all this, there is a fashion buyer who works so hard to ensure everything is in place, customers are satisfied, and business goals are achieved. And there is a lot more to it.

Want to know more about the role of a fashion buyer?

1. Skill Set

Every job requires some skills. No matter what an individual's educational background is and how much work-experience he has, it is these key skills that can help a person become a fashion retail buyer.

Analytical Skills


Decision-making skills

Negotiating skills

Good research skills

Leadership Skills

Besides these, one must have an entrepreneurial spirit, eye for detail, ability to understand customers' needs, be open to work in a pressurized and fast-paced environment, and must be good with numbers.

2. Responsibilities

The profile of a fashion buyer is majorly about planning merchandise for a particular season and selecting a range of products that will sell in a retail store. This takes into account various factors like market trends, customer demands, product pricing, quality, and availability, and store's financial budget. Tasks may vary from season to season but typically, these are the responsibilities expected from a fashion buyer throughout the year:

Analyzing consumer's buying behavior

Forecasting future trends

Preparing trend reports

Planning new range of products and presenting it to the seniors

Evaluating performance indicators like sales, discounts, etc. on a regular basis

Creating plans for maintaining stock levels

Liaising with store personnel to make sure supply meets demand

Meeting suppliers and negotiating on price points

Forming healthy relationships with suppliers and wholesalers and pitching new sources for future merchandise

Finding global sourcing companies when required and coordinating with them throughout the sourcing process

Taking decisions based on demand and logistics

Taking part in promotional activities

Getting feedback from clients

Training and mentoring junior buyers and other staff

Participating in trade fairs and events to gather new range of products

Coordinating with other stakeholders to ensure projects are completed on time

3. Employment Opportunities

Both retailers and manufactures employ professionals who are responsible for buying. They include:

High-street department stores

Book shops, gift shops, and craft shops

Home improvement stores

Online retailers

Outlets specializing in products like clothing, shoes, accessories, furnishings, and other goods

Television shopping channels
Fashion buyer is a vital position in the fashion industry but every buyer isn't successful. It takes a lot of passion and hard work to excel in the field and contribute to the success of a brand. If the products sell, the brand will grow and if they don't, it is the buyer who is held accountable for it.

Following this 3-step easy guide will ensure a smooth production process with no chances of rejection. Another option is to look for   buying agency in India that cut down on your workload of checking each and every garment at all stages, reducing the risk of quality concerns and delivering the best.

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