Reasons That Can Stop a Man From Committing Suicide

By Esbon Mwema

It is an understatement to say that life is hard nowadays especially with the continually depleted resources and the population is increasing than never before. A significant number of people are finding it hard to cope, and new emerging levels of stress and depressions have increased worldwide. It is a struggle to get by for most people, and only the strong in the will are living it out. However, some people get depressed and opt to end their dear lives untimely. There are estimates that over a million people commit suicide annually. Biting poverty, strained relationships, massive debts and drug abuse are the leading causes. Many of us at times reach a point we feel that it is too much, but we find more compelling reasons to still move on despite the setbacks. Here are some of the ideas that make men re-think their lives over and hesitate to give it up;

A Pending Job Interview

The issue of remaining jobless for months or even years after completing school is a heartache to many. The numerous tours to various companies, institutions without success is a stressful thing. Life gets unbearable when a man losses a job, through which he provides for his family when his family goes without food or other basic life necessities, it is awful. He leaves in the morning full of hopes that he will secure a job through his numerous searches. Sometimes he gets home to the hungry but hopeful stares of his children and when he out gives his last dime. He finds no pleasure to live anymore and desires to die. To commit suicide and escape the misery of seeing his family suffer, but one thing makes a man stop and think an again before he lets, that pending interview for a job he has relentlessly applied to gives him the hope to wait, and to wait, he does. Next time someone knocks at your office looking for the job or asks for one, just be kind enough to reply positively. They may never qualify for the position but if you put some hope in them, it will take them to the next stop and who knows it may be their big day.

A Promising Smile From the Woman Long Admired

Living a lonely life is very difficult, and it sometimes causes depression to people. The pain of losing a loved one hits very hard on some men, and sometimes the pain is unbearable. But there are some men too who are lonely because they have no one in their lives. Probably there is that girl they have got an eye on but are sort of shy to talk to them and express themselves. It goes on for a time, and it gets into their nerves and self-pity and eventually hatred. But then one day they meet this girl of their dreams, and she promisingly smiles at them in a greeting of sincere acknowledgment, and this suddenly changes a man's life. Though he thought of himself worthless and of little value, this rekindles hope in him, and he finds a whole new reason to live. Every time you great someone with a live, broad smile, it can bring life to change impact to someone.

Encouragement From a Stranger

We, at some point in life, met people we don't know that left us encouraged and brought about a smile in our somehow uncomfortable situations. Out there as we go about our daily businesses we come across so many people and some are going through bitter phrases of life and its hidden in a way that only themselves know. There is something that gives one hope, and an anticipation of good things ahead and that is an encouragement. When we meet people out there going about their ways we should not miss that precious opportunity to congratulate them for the things they are doing even if it's for themselves, it brings out a sense of worthiness in them. Some may be feeling down and empty, but that, ' keep it up,' 'you are doing good,' may be the battery that pushes one.

A Lovely Family, Marriage or Relationship

Having a beautiful family is one big dream to most of the people and those with already nice ones do everything possible to have it that way. A lovely marriage or a relationship is also one of the coveted treasures of this life and those without doing their best to have, while those who have them work hard to maintain them. When a man has a beautiful family, a good wife, and some adorable kids and he loves them, he will do everything within his reach to live for them. No matter how hard life is, no matter the size of his challenges or problems, he will still press on. Every time he would think of giving in to the voice of giving up, the thought of his wife left alone weeping widow, or his adorable children crying as orphans make him live on, no matter what.

A Mother's Love

It is with no doubt that most men are closer to their mothers than their fathers especially while growing up. The mother's love has a unique touch to many men in their young lives, and it thrives in them even in their adulthood, reminding them again and again. When a man thinks of his mother's love, the amount of sacrifice they made to make them happy and comfortable, the pain they endured so they could make them smile all makes a man look back and think of the pain unto their mothers and even fathers, should they end their lives. The anguish of the premature loss they would undergo would stop any man from taking their own lives. Let's love our children all the way as they grow; it is a treasure.

A Gloating Enemy or a Belittling Friend

No man loves to lose any kind battle to anyone. May it be a fight, a competition or a match. However, certain things in life are of higher value, and any man would never want to lose, and if they did, would want to live to fight another day. If a man ever won the heart of a woman who admired by many others, he would never want to leave this life lest prize would be taken away by his competitors. If a man had a friend or a neighbor who thought him useless and good for nothing, he would do anything to prove them otherwise, and committing suicide is one of them.

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