Ramifications Of 5 Populist Actions

By Richard Brody

Balancing the perceived necessity of a politician, articulating rhetoric and promises, in order to be elected, with the need, for elected, public officials, to behave, in a responsible, responsible manner, understanding, the potential ramifications of their actions and behavior, is, perhaps, the greatest challenge, America's political system, faces! We often, witness candidates, run for office, with a populist message and approach, while generally providing few details, or strategies, for achieving and accomplishing these ideas. Today, perhaps more than we have ever witnessed, in recent memory, it has become obvious, these populist, articulations, of empty rhetoric, may bring numerous undesirable ramifications. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly examine, consider, and discuss, 5 of these actions, which might bring forth, certain circumstances, which have the potential, in the longer - term, of adversely impacting, the United States, and the rest of the world.

1. Tax reform legislation: At the end of 2017, the Congress passed, along party lines, and the President, signed, into law, so - called, tax reform legislation. While President Trump, and Republicans, touted this law, as providing large tax cuts, and Mr. Trump, referring to it, as the greatest benefit to the middle - class, independent analyses indicate, the vast majority of the benefits, go to larger corporations, and the wealthiest 1%, of the;population. In fact, while the short - term benefits of the law, might be debated (and are certainly, debatable), the longer - term impact, seems to be, creating a more than trillion dollar U.S. deficit. The ramifications of this, will, probably include, creating a significant degree of debt - service, for future generations, etc.

2. Deficit: When he was running for office, Donald Trump promised to eliminate the deficit, by the end of his first year. However, it appears, that, rather than achieving that objective, our federal deficit, may be the largest, we have ever witnessed. This means, future generations, will be challenged, to responsibly address needs, because such a large amount will go towards, paying this debt - service!

3. Anti - global: This President's articulation of his, America First, message, putting the interests of the United States, above the rest of the world, and his proposals of imposing tariffs on specific items, such as steel, and aluminum, as well as against nations, such as China, risk retaliation, by other nations against us, and having them, impose similar fees, on U.S. produced, products, they import. Whether it is popular, or not, the reality of the world, is, we live in a world of multi - national corporations, and a global economy!

4. Confrontational, rather than diplomatic: President Trump has articulated a more confrontational message, than previous administrations, have! In recent memory, we have rarely witnessed, so little focus played on diplomatic solutions, and so many bold statements made, by the leader of the free world. When one approaches things this way, there is considerable uncertainty, and much risk, about how other world leaders, might react, and respond!

5. Reducing regulations, combined with vitriol: While there may be certain regulations, which should be addressed, and even eliminated, this President's emphasis on de - regulation, especially when it comes to environmental issues, and consumer protections, have the potential of risking the health and welfare of the neediest, and future generations. When this is done, with language and vitriol - focused, rhetoric, it risks creating pitting one component of society, against another!

These are only, 5, somewhat, obvious, basic, potential ramifications, of prioritizing populism, over considering, longer - term possibilities. Wake up, America, and demand your public officials, protect the freedoms, liberties, and other needs, of so many!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics: http://facebook.com/commonsense4all

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