Politician's Options: Tell the Truth, Stretch the Truth, Or Lie?

By Richard Brody

There is, often, a somewhat - fine line, between maintaining one's integrity, versus attracting constituents, in a positive, meaningful, well - focused manner! Although politicians have, seemingly, always, somewhat, stretched the truth/ facts, and made empty promises, based on rhetoric, rather than solutions, it seems, today, we are witnessing, and observing this behavior, to a far greater degree. The level of partisan politics, has brought, with it, little cooperation, or willingness, to compromise, for the common good, and, thus, it seems, very little progress, on some of the most relevant issues (or, at least, what should be), occurs! Why do we witness, so few politicians, evolve and transform, to statesmen, after they are elected? A politician has three basic options: 1) tell the truth; 2) stretch the truth; and/ or; 3) lie.

1. Tell the truth: Why is telling the truth, such a rare occurrence? Perhaps, one of the last times, in recent memory, at least on the national level, we witnessed someone, who seemed, to want to tell the truth, was approximately 40 years ago, when Jimmy Carter, served one term, as President of the United States. Unfortunately, for those of us, who would love to witness, honorable, honest people, serving and representing us, the treatment, Carter received, from the media, and much of the population, has deterred, successors, from this most, desirable behavior.

2. Half - truths: While elected officials, have rarely, proceeded, in the most honest way, most have, at least, attempted, to do so, in many instances, and rather than lying, proceeded, with less than the truth, but not, an absolute lie! That is, until recently, when it appears, some of our most prominent political leaders, care little about the facts, but, rather only care about how they serve their personal agenda, and/ or self - interest. Political fact - checkers state, for example, President Donald Trump, has, either, outright - lied, or, at the very least, mis - stated the facts, an average of approximately 6 times, per day, since he held office. Perhaps, he has been encouraged to do so, because his core supporters, appear, to be so loyal, they do not question him, even when he makes, continuous, dis - proven, statements!

3. Lies: Most historians state, Trump, has told lies, like no one, in recent memory, who served before him, in American history. Is he purposely lying, ill - informed, doesn't care about the facts, or overly dependent on one segment of the media, which often, slants the facts, to fit, a particular political position? Does it matter, which one? The real question is, why should he change, if his core supporters, apparently continue believing and following him, any way?

While we should demand the truth, it is improbable, we will ever again witness, a politician, who seeks to maintain his integrity, and proceeds, in a honest, fact - based manner! Wake up, America, because, it's the combination of apathy, and avoiding doing the research to make an informed decision, that creates these types of pseudo - leaders!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics: http://facebook.com/commonsense4all

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