By Raymond Patrick Phelan
We're all fairly familiar with Hebrews 4-4 "God Rested On the Seventh Day from all His Work", and a few lines down: Hebrews 4--10 "For whoever receives that rest which God promised will rest from his own work, just as God rested from his. And in Hebrews 3--11 "God became angry". Let us explore these three seemingly straight forward scriptures for their hidden message.
Seventh Day Consciousness
In Hebrews 4-4 God rested is meaning rested within the seventh state of consciousness, and not on a particular day of the week. In scriptural terms, a Day is neither Monday, Tuesday or Sunday. A day represents a level of spiritual consciousness.
There are seven states or layers of consciousness: waking, dreaming, deep sleep, transcendental, cosmic, God and unity consciousness. Seventh Day (consciousness) is experienced within the seventh seal mentioned in Rev 8-1. This Seal or Day is located in the brain and it is called the pineal gland. During meditation human consciousness transforms into Seventh Day Divine consciousness.
Scriptural "Day" therefore is a level of consciousness, and rested on 7th Day is resting within the seventh chakra at the top of the spine in the brain. Seven symbolizes unity. Therefore, Seventh or Unity Consciousness is to be found at the Seventh chakra or Seventh seal, when such chakra is opened by the flow of kundalini from the base of the spine in meditation or through other well established Yoga practices.
As we said, there are seven chakras, each representing a level of consciousness. The highest human level is Seventh Day consciousness or transcendental Unity Consciousness.
Overall, Hebrews 4-4 is informing where eternal God-nature is located, rested, and how we may come upon it -- which is through the mind. In other words, individual awareness first proceeds inwards into the mind, into the body, in order to transcend this material plane and arrive at Seventh Day awareness.
In practical terms, the mind becomes the vehicle through which we transcend and which, on return, is infused of divine nature. The tiny conscious mind thus has expanded into becoming the fully conscious mind thereby freeing the sub-conscious element of generational conditioning. It's these previous lives which are responsible for our constantly coming back to this earth plane. Thus, our work in this incarnation is to gain transcendental consciousness first, thereby do we defeat death, or sin, and gain eternal unbounded status. The Bible puts it: "if there be one just man (one awakened life journey) I will save the city (transform the mind)". In other words, all we need to achieve is one conscious, Higher-Self integrated lifetime. Similarly, "First seek ye the Kingdom and all else will be added unto consciousness... "
Rest, Angry, Solemn Promise, Going Beyond Creation
Referred to in Hebrews 3--11 as "Solemn Promise" this term is referring to the laws of nature responsible for the entire manifest creation. As divine Consciousness is transcendental, such Exalted state therefore lies beyond manifest creation thus, "Rest" in Hebrews 4-10 refers to transformational Christ consciousness. At Rest-Consciousness mind-body transcend, go beyond the entire creation of individuality (rested from his work Hebrews 4--4). Because the mind transcends creation in meditation, it ceases to be an individual conscious mind. Individuality is suspended during "Rest" or transcendence -- even the aging process -- to facilitate expansion, purification, transformation. When the mind comes back after meditation, individuality returns endowed of eternal consciousness. Thus "Promised Rest" in Hebrews 4-10 is referring to "undergoing" transformation from the effects of the "Solemn Promise", the established cosmic laws, the unchangeable governance of nature: "as we sow, so shall we reap" - the law of cause and effect which rules over each of us without favoritism.
Therefore, "rested from his work" is going beyond creation, beyond the grip of karma, beyond the laws of nature responsible for creation, maintenance and dissolution of everything in creation - going to where eternal nature becomes inner perceptible. In going beyond creation, in culturing the mind transcendentally, such is how re-birthing on this plane of suffering consciousness is conquered. Thus, it's not the events of our life which are deemed suffering, rather the activities carried out while in spiritual ignorance.
In Hebrews 4-3 God said: "I was angry and made a solemn promise: they (our non-purified thoughts actions and emotions) will never enter the land (transcendental consciousness) where I would have given them rest (eternal transformation)". Now, God, as we all know, does not get angry. "Angry" here is symbolism for a level of inner disunity, disharmony resulting from previous misuse of the cosmic laws "as ye sow, so shall ye reap". "Angry", meaning, a mind not attuned cosmically, therefore, could not obey His commands, obey the impulses of divine intelligence in our previous lives, symbolized by the word ancestors. We were stubborn, meaning incapable of soul-hearing or pure silence-knowing, therefore incapable of making spiritual progress. Due to this perpetual psychic sleep state, we were incapable of obeying divine instruction which was to be in harmony with the established cosmic laws, appointed by God. Where the insight-impulses of our own soul would echo audibly and distinguishable above the droning reverberations of societal rituals, hardened tribalism and corporate deceit conditioning.
'Promised Rest' is similar to Moses and the Promised Land - promised, meaning, innately present, was always there and, Land, meaning, consciousness or spiritual awareness. Thus, divine consciousness already lies within each of us awaiting direct realization. In refusing to establish conscious contact with Divine Potential, then, through such spiritual ignorance, our life is governed by its opposite, sin, which means continued separation from God which is termed suffering.
Remember, man-made rituals can never free us from sin, which is carried out transcendentally. At best ritual may temporarily ease our social conscience, where we stop stoning ourselves. Thus, "Rested" means transformation from the mountain of buried sin awaiting redemption, forgiveness, purification.
Once initiated, transformation is automatic, when no repeating sin-nature can reach to control the mind again. For, at this stage of Rest consciousness, all our actions and intentions will be spiritually harmonized. All future activity becomes based on conscious choice through pure intellect, and not unconsciously recurring as was the situation previously.
Thus we can say that God is resting - to be found -- within the 7th chakra state of consciousness awaiting kundalini's upward flow from the base of the spine to awaken all the in between chakras, culminating at the pineal gland -- 7th chakra -- in the center of the brain.