Shouldn't Our Public Officials Learn From History? 6 Examples

By Richard Brody

Wouldn't it be, in the public's best interests, if, our elected officials, learned key lessons, from history, in order to avoid, making the same mistakes, over - and - over, again? Unfortunately, we often observe, ill - conceived, ideas, programs, and legislation/ laws, caused, either by this lack of learning, or by certain, public officials, believing they know best, and/ or denying the ramifications, demonstrated, from a historical perspective, ane better understanding the meaningful lessons, which should have been learned, from the past. With that in mind, this article will briefly examine, consider, and discuss, 6 examples.

1. Never again: Whether we learn the meaning of Never Again, as it relates to the atrocities of the holocaust, or the unnecessary, loss of life, caused by avoiding the difficult challenges, from far, too much, gun violence, when will we learn? Those who have studied, the Holocaust, are witnessing some horrible, eerie, similarities, from the past, with many of the statements made, and level of rhetoric and vitriol, exhibited today! How many more, must be killed, because of the refusal/ fear of politicians, who refuse to make sane policies, which address the safety issues, involved?

2. Inflation/ recession: Why do politicians, behave as if, running up huge deficits, is okay, if it complies with their agenda, but, wrong, otherwise? We must demand, decisions be made, in an intelligent, fiscally responsible way, so we don't continuously, proceed, from inflation, to recession, etc!

3. Unify - don't polarize: When will we learn, people and intelligent policy, are far more important, from politics, political agendas, and self - interest? Only when those, we elect, focus on unifying, rather than polarizing, will we get the best solutions, etc!

4. Freedom/ liberty: What does America, stand for, if, not for the freedoms, and liberties, which have differentiated us, from the rest of the world, throughout our history? These cannot, and must not, accept any short - cuts, when it comes to protecting these, for everyone, not merely some supporters, etc!

5. Gun safety: How many more must die, because our elected officials, refuse to do, what's needed, and right, regarding, creating and implementing, sane gun control measures? It infuriates me, when some, proclaim, there can be no gun control, because of the Second Amendment, when that amendment, protects the right - to - bear - arms, in terms of states having a militia, but never, about assault weapons, etc. No hunter needs an assault weapon, and no responsible gun owner, should complain about having, at least, the same registration, and licensure rules, regarding guns, as we do, for cars, etc!

6. War's risks and casualties: When President Trump, who campaigned, on a platform, of eliminating dumb wars, articulates a message, considerably differently, and appearing, to ignore history, and/ or ramifications, we again witness, the dangers of irresponsible, leadership, by our public officials.

Wake up, America, and demand, public officials, learn from history, and focus, on becoming wiser, etc! It's up to the electorate, to seek the best!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics:

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