What Are Transformers And How Are They Tested?

What Are Transformers And How Are They Tested?

By Mukesh Tolani

Understanding a transformer is not a rocket science, as it is simply a static device, whose main function is to supply power from one source to another. Its working is mainly based on Faraday's Law of electromagnetic induction. It has coils, windings and cores perform its working of power transmitting without making any changes in the frequency. Its primary coil is basically connected to the alternating current supply, so, current smoothly makes its way to pass through. And its secondary coil is connected to the alternative flux.

Nowadays, there is a transformer available to fulfill the sole motive of a particular application by stepping up or stepping down the voltage level in a safer way, as per the requirement. The device basically has no moving parts and one can easily use it because of its user-friendly construction. In today's modern world, you may find their presence easily in almost all types of electrical application in all the industries, which increases its demand in the market. Out of all available types, choosing the right model, design, size is a task, but if you have knowledge about how much voltage your application required, so, you can easily make a wise decision.

Though, before you buy the transformer; they need to pass several tests to ensure safe and smooth operation. These tests are mainly performed by the Transformer Manufacturers before handing over the product to the clients, so, they'll get the safe and error-free product, which give them value for money. If you want to know about main tests in detail, so, take a look below.

Open-Circuit Test: This type of test is mainly performed to determine any iron losses and no loading problem of the device. It is very much important to check, as your carelessness can be the reason for a big loss in the near future.

Short-Circuit Test: It is basically used to determine the copper losses, which is important to identify at the very first stage to prevent any big problem from arising in the future.

Both the tests are performed by applying some simple techniques, though only professionals can do this, as your one wrong connection or test may take the deadly turn in the future. To avoid such risk, always buy this static device from a prominent company that offers you the device after performing all the necessary tests to ensure the safety of the product, plant, and personnel working on it.

Trutech Products is the most trusted brand in manufacturing control transformer in India. Being the leading Transformer Manufacturers in India we offer wide range of transformers in different specifications.

Article Source:  What Are Transformers And How Are They Tested?


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