Discover Your Strengths By Conscious Universal Healing Within

Why is universal healing or self-healing so important for success and lasting inner peace and fulfillment, as well as a life of purpose?

Try relying on universal healing to discover your strengths and you will be in position to succeed at anything. Yes, self-healing, because the ego-based mind-- that doubting, judgmental, and fearful aspect in us all is afraid of self-healing, and therefore is never successful.

We can sense it.

Most of what we believe comes from what we perceive, and unfortunately leads to illusory faith-- a faith built on perceptions outside ourselves.

Just as with music, it is the space between the notes that gives the symphony its life, and this is where universal healing is available for you. For self-healing and strength don't turn your attention elsewhere in your search for Truth, because it is nowhere to be found but within.

You've probably heard it said before: "The abilities each of us possesses are only shadows of our real strength." This in itself is a perception that is inherently judgmental, and is introduced by separated minds.

Miracles occur when we are aware that since the separation, or, the symbolic 'Tree of Knowledge' or 'Big Bang', if you will, the words "create" and "make" have become confused with each other.

Many continue to go with the ways that were laid out for them, so focused on our physical existence that we lose touch of our inner universal healing which is God's healing power and with the essence of our true being--the essence that gave us the "not exactly right" feeling. Our attraction to the physical justifies our states of fear and you find it tougher to discover your strengths.

What we perceive as our physical structure called the body, which is subject to disease, old age, death, and dust, is not ultimately you. It is a misperception of your essential reality that is beyond birth and death.

The ego--our illusory separated mind has made many ingenious thought systems for this purpose.

No, the miracle is not magic and self-healing and miracles happen within, and are simultaneously reflected into our outer material world.

This misperception is due to the limitations of what we perceive and may make self-healing more difficult and how to discover your strengths and reach maximum potential

Not one of them is creative and not one of them understands God's healing power. Universal healing gets you to the point of breaking free and attaining purpose in life.

For your time here on Earth, you can liken all physical structure of your body to a fence around, or surrounding, all that is real. It is the space between the heart muscles that makes them contract.

Miracles are not magic tricks

Only can God's healing power be experienced from within, and not from some kind of magic outside of us we like to think constituting a miracle.

Because the only way for the darkened ego to fade away so light can penetrate you is to get rid of your weaknesses through self-healing, it's. The ego-based mind is your weakness in all that you do, because it's that part of us that thinks we are separate from God.

Don't fight against the body, because in doing so you are only fighting against your own reality and God's healing power.

All of the space within you is your inner body, and this is where the eternal you is and exists where you discover your strengths.

Even with this illusory faith, we do know deep within that something is not exactly.

At this time in eternity which is NOW or the present moment, which is the only time eternity has, your invisible inner body is housed within this structure that you call you. This is who you are.

Through your inner body and universal healing you are inseparably connected to That One Life, which is birthless, deathless, and eternally present. This is where your knowledge is, and where you know God.

You do so out of a specific lack or need when you make something. Anything "made" for a specific purpose is to enhance something physical. You are implying that you believe in separation when you make something to fill a perceived lack.

Don't turn yourself away from the body, however, because within this temporary structure is the splendor of your immortal and essential reality where God's healing power is yours.

What do I mean by "within" your body?

It is the space between the atoms and cells, veins, corpuscles, and arteries. The energy that is your power, and which is created by thought and universal healing, is the beauty that emanates from the space within and it is certainly God's healing power.

Not one of them is creative and not one of them understands God's healing power. Universal healing gets you to the point of breaking free and attaining purpose in life.

To discovering universal healing

Hello Friend,

I'm James Nussbaumer and I'd like to introduce myself to you through my thought provoking spiritual and inspirational books, which are reflections of A Course in Miracles. To see more please visit me at:

I'm also offering you a subscription to my EVERYDAY MIRACLES newsletter, which includes the first two books of my ever-developing series shipped to you, and my ongoing webinars, videos and so much more helping everyday people live life on their own terms. If you're interested in letting go of the past and attaining Real Abundance, Purpose, and Wealth, visit me here:

 By James Nussbaumer

Article Source: Discover Your Strengths By Conscious Universal Healing Within

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