Why Leaders Only Make Their Best Decisions When They FIND Their Way

How can anyone hope to become a fine leader, until/ unless he is ready, willing and able, to become objectively introspective, learn and understand what he really believes and considers essential, and sets forth to be his own man? All too often, individuals either are elected, selected, appointed, or ascend to a position of leadership, without really having any clue, what they seek to achieve and accomplish! These individuals, who I refer to as Wandering weaklings, are often insufficiently trained, motivated, experienced, or in some other way, simply Not ready for prime time! Before any leader can possibly, even hope to effectively and meaningfully serve others, doesn't it make sense, he must first know himself, and be true to what he represents? This short article will review, using the mnemonic approach, why true leaders are only capable of making their best decisions, when they first discover, understand, and FIND their way.

1. Face facts; feelings; flourish: You can't become an effective leader if you bury your head in the sand, or wear rose - colored glasses! One must face facts, even if they don't necessarily support your pre - supposed narrative, and let reality influence how you proceed! Don't deny your personal feelings, but rather explore why you feel that way, which aspects are your personal priorities, and whether you can become a leader, without having inner conflicts between how you feel personally, and what leaders should, and must do! Those who begin, with their eyes - wide - open, invariably are those with the most potential, and greatest opportunities and possibilities, to flourish, in their position!

2. Ideas; imagination; instincts; intuition: Do you feel you can trust and follow your judgment and intuition? How good have your instincts been, in the past? How have you developed these two attributes, and what are you doing, to assure you remain open - minded? The sign of great leadership, is a willingness, and ability to perceive and conceive of, create, develop, and implement, significant, meaningful, priorities - based ideas. Do you have an imagination, which supports reality, and permits you to understand the past and present, while imagining what is needed, in the future?

3. Needs; nuances; niche: Not every organization has the same needs and/ or priorities. Do you understand and believe strongly in your organization, and will you focus on specific nuances, which will help you make your group stronger, more relevant and sustainable? What is your group's niche, and do your personal assets support these?

4. Delve deeply; deliver: Will you merely look at the surface, both personally and in terms of your group, or will you make the time and effort, to delve deeply, into how you might best serve your organization? Most importantly, are you willing to consistently tone down your rhetoric, under - promise, and over - deliver?

You can't really help and serve others effectively, until/ unless you first understand what makes you tick! What will you do, in order to best, FIND your way?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: Why Leaders Only Make Their Best Decisions When They FIND Their Way
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