When Sparks Fly

"Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant: they too have their story." Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

The current world vibe, both confusing and deceptive, requires not only external awareness but self correction and examination. It is so very easy and even tempting to join the criticism directed outward: to a president, a political party, world leaders, bankers, corporations, other races, lifestyles, countries, your neighbor, or opposite belief systems.

An undercurrent builds around events or people based on disagreement, assumption and misinformation. Momentum (the same Big Mo that candidates seek) takes over and we are pulled in the wrong direction.

Instead of the careful and arduous pursuit of reconciliation and justice with the intention to set both the oppressor and the oppressed free; we often choose random disorganized outbursts of anger and judgment which are seen as justified but help no one.

If we are going to interrupt an injustice, then it is also critical not to reflect the injustice in our chosen actions.

An important part of this time is the wonderful rich opportunity it offers for self examination and yes, self correction, before you go about correcting those who do not embrace your views. Otherwise you may find yourself in an echo chamber of mutual admiration which isn't productive.

Instead of listening to others, we maintain opposition. Sparks fly. Like swords in combat. The roller coaster of emotions grinds on and on. Anger, depression and anxiety result.

When one takes a conscious stand, it is mostly a quiet experience. It feels even and balanced whether it happens as a solo act or a chorus.

There's power in quiet certainty. Not so much in complaining, judging and correcting others from your point of so called higher level of understanding. Maybe other people know something you do not.

Feelings are only a piece of the human experience, constantly moving through us from moment to moment. They combine to form a data base, a stream, a flow of consciousness, resulting in social conditioning.

If we allow it, the present stream of information and unexamined beliefs can bring about a downward spiral, both individually and collectively.

What's wrong? Why me? WHO IS TO BLAME? These are dis-empowering questions that keep us on a downward spiral. Michael Bernard Beckwithe, Life Visioning Process.

These feelings are so human. Nothing is wrong with expressing them IF we are willing to eventually grasp a greater view. The danger of holding on to such thinking is that ultimately it robs you of your power. It adds to the world's clouded pollution of worry, woes, hate, fear, negativity. When we are all worked up in a dither, the tendency is to rush to judgment while missing the truth.

We become mere reactionaries, with very narrow perception instead of holding space for a higher, wider, different view. We live in a real and difficult world. Though it may not be clear to you there is an ever expanding universe buzzing with potential, ready for you to design as you wish.

We live on this planet for a finite length of time. Unique artists, we are born to bring forward original new ideas, gain and share wisdom, dreamers whose destiny is to fully express our individuality.

When times are hard and people divide, it becomes even more important to create abundant beauty and more instead of less love.

What are my gifts and how can I help? What are the answers hiding behind the questions? What is trying to emerge in my life and our world? What is really going on? Now those are empowering questions! (from Michael Bernard Beckwithe's Life Visioning Process.)

Deep systemic change begins on an individual basis which is often hard work because it involves facing YOU, the Man in the Mirror, and a fearless examination of flaws and impediments is required.

You may not agree with your brother's chosen expression or your sister's particular life design, but no less than the trees and the stars, they also have a right to be here.

Listening and comprehending are becoming the lost arts of our time. Myopic vision is almost contagious, it is so prevalent. Moving but going nowhere.

Today's soil is rich for planting and great ideas await ready to be born. Have you had one recently?

Tempers flare, conflict arises and sparks may fly, but anger is not a sustainable fuel.

"You do not change things by fighting the existing reality. To change things you create a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." Richard Buckminster Fuller. http://www.karentallkatconley.com/Blog.aspx

 By Karen Tallkat Conley

Article Source: When Sparks Fly

Haus Persaingan

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