Things Don't Make People Better

People are all the same, but for some unknown reason, always try to find ways to separate from one another. We are all products of our own environments and of course, our ancestors. People are highly adaptable to their habitat and particular experiences, in which make us who we are, but has absolutely nothing to do with the things we own.

Money seems to be what people strive for, but not just to be able to survive, shall we say, comfortably, but more for superiority. It seems to be a popular believe that the more money and things that a person acquires, the better and more powerful he/she is, therefore a daily display of wealth is very necessary and a priority for most people. Most people will not admit that they are trying to appear "better" than the next, but that's why people spend more than they need to trying to impress upon people that they don't even know.

People waste lots of money on things that are not only not necessary, but have absolutely no value once purchased. People try to obtain the biggest house on the block and the fanciest car possible, no matter the cost and the most expensive clothing are an absolute must. It's funny how people just have to have the latest electronics possible, phones, tv's, tablets, laptops, etc... and for no reason other than it being the latest or newest of it's kind. Now, houses tend to hold their value for the most part, but if the house is too big for one's needs and the payments are above one's means, then it's a waste of money. An economical car is adequate enough to fulfill anybody's transportation needs, therefore, anything more than that is an unnecessary waste of money, especially if you have to work overtime to make the payments. For the record, clothing are worthless once they are out of the stores. Most people don't even utilize their phones to their potential, nor do most people use their phone to generate income, so the free phones that are offered by all the wireless carriers are adequate enough to accommodate most peoples' communication needs, but I guess it's just not fancy enough to fulfill,.. who knows what. Just because a person has a more expensive car, or lives in a bigger house, or is draped in jewelry makes them any different from another person.

At the end of the day, life is best thing that we are all gifted with. Without life, none of those things matter at all. Nothing makes one person better than the next. To be honest, I'm not even sure what it means for one to be better than another. We all breathe the same air. We all have to eat to survive. We all have the same vulnerabilities. We are all victims of life, genealogy, our personal experiences and our personal environments. Any of us could have been any of us. In either case, we had absolutely no control over that. We have no choice but to live with what we were born into, whether we like it or not. That's just the way it is.

The true sadness of it all is that people do judge people on a daily basis, and those judgements are solely based on appearances. The clothing we wear, our hygiene, the car(s) we drive or don't drive, the area we live and the materialistic things that we have, but don't need. As previously stated, I don't know what it means to be a better person. but I do know that people only show what they want others to see, which in most cases is not true at all, and definitely not the whole story. People won't display that they lie,steal and cheat or even worse, but then again, I don't see how people can display any of that.

My name is Mert Taylor. I like to write about things on my mind and subjects that you should be aware of. Visit my website at to learn more.

 By Mert Taylor

Article Source: Things Don't Make People Better

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