Starving Creative? You're Doing It Wrong

Apart from small talk about the weather, the first question that is usually asked by people when they're introduced is - 'What do you do?'

Now, if we go by the statistics alone, coming in at 90%+ would be people who actually hate what they do for a living. So why are we so interested in this? At least with the weather there's a chance that I might pick up a little bit of upcoming 'hail' this afternoon.

If I myself hate what I do, why would it be the first thing that I want others to know about me?

I honestly believe that it comes back down to people trying to feel better about themselves. Figuring out who sits where in the pecking order that has been designed by someone else.

So what's my answer when asked this question? Simple - I'm a creative artist.

The result more often than not is that people look at you like you're some kind of leper or lunatic.

Why is it that I cannot be a successful working creative? What's the onus for this? Why does society in general believe that all artists / creatives are either bums on welfare looking for a handout or making millions? I honestly believe it's because we, as creatives perpetuate this and in a lot of cases actually believe it ourselves.

How many 'new' artists, creatives and photographers have you heard about who will give away their work or practically give it away for nothing? In the hope of gaining 'exposure' or getting a foot in the door? Way too many to count. This needs to be stopped. My creativity and my art means the world to me. It's the result of countless hours of work, sweat, laughter and tears. To give this away for free just seems utterly ludicrous to me.

I honestly believe that right from the outset the creative arts put themselves behind the eight ball by not placing value on their work. It's one of the easiest degrees to get in university. The degree that people go into while they're trying to figure out what they really want.

To truly get the correct value on this we need to modify this behavior and thought pattern. Creative people have talents that they work long and hard at perfecting. The smart ones take this creativity into whatever else they do. It makes them stand apart from the crowd, unique - individuals.

Being a successful working creative is no different to any other small business enterprise that people go into. For some reason if you opened up a small caf�, no one bats an eyelid when they learn that you have to be the owner, manager, barista, chef, cook, cleaner, book-keeper, website designer, marketer and window-cleaner. When it comes to the creative fields though no-one really takes any of this into account. It seems to be a matter of 'you're JUST a creative. JUST an artist. JUST a photographer.'

In order to change this mindset in general across society, we as creatives need to change this mindset within ourselves. I create products that bring joy, happiness, smiles, tears and laughter to people. How many products can claim that?

So next time you're asked - 'What do you do?' Stand proud and state 'I'm a creative!'

My crazy world has included successfully combining all the skills of a artist, photographer, designer, programmer, and marketer into one crazy life.

I'm available for guest blogging, article writing and speaking events.

~ Frank

Tazz 1 Pty Ltd

Follow me in my crazy world via my site
or Insta!

 By Frank Perez

Article Source: Starving Creative? You're Doing It Wrong
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