How/Why True Leaders Remain STRONG

How often have you heard, leaders must be strong, or we need a strong (or stronger) leader? However, like so many generalities, empty (or ill - defined) rhetoric, does little, in terms of helping us developing stronger, more capable, leadership, and thus, after four decades of identifying, qualifying, training and developing thousands of actual and/ or potential leaders, I believe it might be helpful, to clarify these concepts, somewhat. A leader faces many challenges. Some are internal (inner conflicts, self - doubts, differences between his personal perspective and the perceptions of those he serves), while others are more external (factions, intra - organizational conflicts/ disagreements, competition, financial, involvement, relevance, sustainability). Throughout all of this, the measure of a quality leader, is possessing the willingness, ability, and inner fortitude, to remain consistently STRONG.

1. Strengths; service; systems; sustainable: When someone better understands what he's doing, and his reasons, his chances of success, often become exponentially greater! Therefore, one should better realize both his, and the group's strengths and weaknesses, using and building upon the strengths, while effectively addressing areas of weakness! Everything a leader does, must focus on service! He must be organized, to achieve his aims, creating and/ or using systems, that help hin get it done! It's never merely about yesterday, and today, but a real leaders is strong, because he creates, develops and implements a relevant, meaningful, sustainable system!

2. Techniques; timely; toughness: You had better develop a thick skin, and some personal toughness and fortitude, if you hope to be effective! Great leadership is not solely about developing, understanding and utilizing superior skills and techniques, but stepping forth, and taking timely action, even if doing so, may not be the populist approach!

3. Relevant; realistic; rationale; rational: Have you examined your ideas, to be certain, they make sense, and are rational? Does your rationale ring true, and will it resonate with others, in a motivating way? Are you realistic, while setting lofty goals? Are you focusing on relevant issues, placing priorities on what's most important, rather than sweating the petty stuff?

4. Opinions; opportunities; options: How to you formulate your opinions, and will you consider ideas, without prejudgment, while remaining capable of differentiating between unsupported opinions, and facts? How will you consider the options and alternatives? Will you be prepared to seize upon the best opportunities, which present themselves, or if none do, to create your own opportunities?

5. Nerve; needs: Will you remain a steady, calming, unifying influence, while maintaining the nerve and strength, to proceed, when weaker individuals, might give up? Focus always of needs and priorities, and do so confidently and effectively!

6. Generate goodwill; growth: Don't take the easy, but often - destructive rout, of simply blaming and complaining! Remain strong and committed, and seek to generate goodwill, by your obvious fairness and reason! Organizations must maintain consistent growth, if they are to remain relevant and sustainable, so you must prove how strong you are, by continuously following your plan, despite the disruptions, or conflicts.

Weak individuals rarely become effective leaders! Will you be STRONG enough to offer effective leadership?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: How/Why True Leaders Remain STRONG
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