How to Pursue a Lifelong Legacy

The awful fact is; we can't rewind the hand of time and have alternative choices but the good news are; everyday, we can decide to do things that will impact lives long after we are gone.

A legacy is brought by making a choice to pursue what's important in life. Many of us think is about the medals and the records we set while alive, but we are wrong. The foundation of a legacy is formed by the people we transformed rather than the achievements we have acquired. Legacy is the continued positive influences over people after we are gone; awards and possessions don't have the power to do that.

We might have achieved a lot materially but if we are to build yourself a legacy for ourselves. We need to stop pursuing our own success and start touching lives.

Let's Start today...

Worth Over Success

Been successful in life is a good thing, but it isn't enough. Running after success alone will not ultimately satisfy us.

Most of the middle age is successful, but they don't feel fulfilled with their lives. Many feel they lack the accomplishment they deserve, and want to do something significant that will make more difference in their lives.

I have noticed that the current generation is more passionate about carving out a name for itself; they have known it's not all about getting jobs and thriving in personal success. We need to focus on things that matter; we need to help people by equipping and developing them to realize their full potential.

Ultimately, this will yield satisfaction and fulfillment within you.

Influence Over Rewards

It's honorable to be awarded and celebrated for your accomplishments. Trouble is, with an award you are the only recipient; its significance ends with you.

Influence, its benefit does not end with us, but starts with us. Our effort to develop and transform lives is the sure way to influence them, you will remain in their souls and your influence will be passed over other people for a long time. This is the kind of legacy that outdoes statues and streets that have been named after you.

Impact Over Earnings

It's easy and normal to make earnings our main objective in life. It's excusable because it puts food on the table and pays the bills. Consider that money will never be enough and wealth does not leave us fully satisfied after all. It's just a tool we use to keep our lives running smooth. Impact brings satisfaction, earnings bring emptiness.

As I mentioned earlier, touching and developing people is everything. Investing in someone's life adds more value to them, for they will eventually turn around and touch more people in their circles.

When we focus on developing those around us rather than our personal success, we will find fulfillment and satisfaction within ourselves. We need to plant seeds of change in the lives of others. We may not live long enough to see them thrive, but the fulfillment that we created a legacy will always stay within us.


We all need a Legacy, it can't be bought but pursued by making a decision to carry people with you in your walk to the hall of fame, wealth and success. Transform their lives and they will transform others too; they will sing your name even after you are long gone.

 By Casitro Kyeva

Article Source: How to Pursue a Lifelong Legacy
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