Honesty Makes Your Life Easier

"No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar." Abraham "Honest Abe" Lincoln

Honesty is a sign of courage, character, and strength.

When a person lies one of two things will likely happen. One, his lie will be found out, his reputation will be tarnished, and he will be weakened with stress. Or two, his lie will not be found out and he'll have the need to lie again in order to protect his first lie. Worried that his lies will be revealed, he will again be weakened with stress.

Have you ever been in that position? At some time most of us have. It was embarrassing when I got caught. And it was painful when I worried about getting caught. I lost too many hours of sleep trying to figure out how to keep people from finding out the truth about my little or not-so-little lies.

In those times, I did not like the person I was. As I looked back at each situation I realized that I had lied to make myself look better to another person. What I should have been doing was making myself look better to me. I knew that in order to do that I had to change.

So I decided to stop lying and tell the truth. No, it was not simple. Now and then, in a moment of weakness, I slipped. As I saw my character growing stronger, though, I started to admire myself more.

In time, I noticed that other people were friendlier. Family and close friends seemed more comfortable around me. And my wife began to trust me more. Those were all good things. But the best thing was how much more I liked myself. I was not filled with stress so I slept better. Since I decided to stop lying, my life has been easier.

How about you? Would honesty help improve your life? Would it improve your relationships as it has mine?

Think about how often, and to whom, you lie. Ask yourself why you do it. What do you try to gain? What do you try to avoid? What has it cost you in other people's eyes? More importantly, what has it cost you in your own self-respect?

Now imagine making the tough decision to be honest from now on. Yes, you might slip. But decide to be honest and consider what it will do for you. If it works for you as it has for me, in time you'll be aware of how differently people respond to you. They will be friendlier and more trusting.

The best part, however, is how much better you feel about yourself. You understand that you are stronger, more courageous, and more confident. And you'll accept what I say: "Honesty makes your life easier."

"Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom." Thomas Jefferson

Charles Emory http://selfimprovement123.com

A long-time student of self-improvement, I have learned a lot that I can share with you. Discover a wealth of ideas to help you achieve the success you desire.

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 By Charles Emory

Article Source: Honesty Makes Your Life Easier

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