3 Ways To Fix An Event Gone Wrong

The wardrobe fail on stage didn't have to become a strip show. And fortunately, the guitar picker was wearing a jacket he didn't need. But it could have gone south really fast!

Panic sets in when the most indiscriminate thing happens, and the next step can either make or break your event.

For that reason, we thought having a backup plan might be an effective option, something that might be readily available to help you in the event of a crisis.

Solution based thinking is always the first step. But then what? When you're standing on stage in front of an audience and the 'bad thing happens' what then?

Sitting backstage after the show, I noticed band leader Dave Thornhill wasn't wearing his jacket when he came off the stage, so I asked what happened to his jacket. He grinned and winked at me, then I realized... The young girl singer who had been on the side of the stage was wearing it. The buttons at the top of her blouse had popped off, leaving her nearly bare chested, he'd handed her the jacket right off his back as she turned to face the band instead of the audience, and the show had gone on - almost without skipping a beat.

Sitting in the fourth row of the audience, Buckaroo, Doyle Singer, popped a g-string, kept playing and replaced it with one from his pocket between songs. When it popped again, Don Rich handed him the g-string he'd had in his pocket, and they kept playing.

Professional bands come prepared for most any mishap.

Microphones are switched out, batteries replaced, strings restrung, and wardrobe malfunctions disappear under jackets worn, or strategically placed on the stage.

Your Event Will Have Mishaps

No matter how well planned, choreographed, and staged your event is, there will be mishaps. The band will be doing everything in their power to provide backups necessary for their part of the event, but you need to be ready with solutions and ideas for fixing any problems that may arise on the backside. Here are a few tips and suggestions.

1 - Find the solution. Don't waste time blaming someone for a mishap, just look for an immediate solution. Take blame immediately off the table, by taking responsibility and cooling any flares with a calm and cool response. This is always the first step to solving a problem.

2 - Stay in the event. Don't be distracted by outside affairs, keep your mind on the event. If you're fully interacting, you'll be better able to catch a problem before it goes too far off kelter and offer solutions. It's always best to have a few pre-emptive solutions ready to go, but in the event that the problem may not fit within your bounds, be ready to act immediately.

3 - Offer a graceful response. Even if the worst thing happens, be graceful and kind in your response. Everyone deserves grace. Give them grace and be kind. "Things happen." Might be your new motto. When the worst things happen, shrug them off and move on to the next step with gentle kindness and redirection.

Bonus: HUMOR

When in doubt always use your sense of humor. It is a rare situation when humor isn't the best answer to a situation gone awry. Think laughter!

Laughter always eases stress.

David Levin offers event planning with the best show bands, dance bands, and stage performers available. Schedule your event. Or ask for help in planning your event, by contacting David at DLE - http://davidlevinent.com

 By David Levin

Article Source: 3 Ways To Fix An Event Gone Wrong

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