The perceptions you accept become the foundations of the beliefs you will make. The separation, or split-mind, would not exist if it were not for perceptions.
The ego is the symbol of separation, just as the Holy Spirit is the symbol of peace. What you perceive in others you are strengthening in yourself. You may allow your mind to mis-perceive, but the Holy Spirit lets your mind reinterpret its own misperceptions.
The Holy Spirit is the perfect teacher and your secret of success. He uses only what your mind already understands in teaching you that you do not understand it. He can reveal your inner light and deal with a reluctant learner without going counter to the learner's own mind, because part of that mind is still for God.
Reluctantly or not, we all long to learn. This is why the Holy Spirit wants you to tell Him when you are frustrated and not at peace. He doesn't expect you to figure out the solution.
Despite the ego's attempt to conceal this part of your thinking, the reluctant learner in you is still much stronger than the ego, although the ego does not recognize this.
The Holy Spirit recognizes it perfectly, because in the learner is where He abides; this is the place in your mind where the Holy Spirit makes you feel at Home, even while you still dream of separation. I felt this myself when I was overwhelmed by failure and threat and discouragement, but still felt things would work themselves out.
You who are part of God are at Home in His Peace, except when the ego interferes with separate thoughts or wrong-minded perception. This is the illusion beginning, which the Holy Spirit is undoing. The ego made the world as it perceives it, but the Holy Spirit, the Reinterpreter of what the ego made, sees the world as a teaching device to bring us Home, which merely is to reawaken. Here is your secret of success.
The Holy Spirit, only for you, must perceive time and reinterpret it into the timeless. He must work through opposites, because He must work with, and for, a mind that is in opposition. Thus he will correct and we will learn, as we are open to learning.
Our separated mind did not, of course, make truth, but truth will set us free. The secret of success is to look as the Holy Spirit looks, and do not be afraid of your abstract thoughts, and then you can understand how He understands.
A Course in Miracles states, "The Holy Spirit is of God, part of you. He is your Guide in order that you achieve your own free will." He is holding the remembrance of things past, and all there is to come, and brings them to the present for your benefit.
He will use thoughts of your past along with what He knows the future holds, to arrange events in order that your free will be fulfilled. He is doing this for you because your achievement of free will is necessary in order that your brothers and sisters achieve free will as well. The achievement of free will, whereby everyone is fulfilled, is all about our part in the interlocking chain of Atonement. Its completion is guaranteed by God, regardless of the ego's strife.
To your true free will
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By James Nussbaumer
Article Source: The Divine Secrets of Success: Your Inner Guide - The True Teacher