Should You Look Into Online Fitness Coaching Programs?

Tons of fitness programs, gyms, and trainers out there promise to get you the results that you want by joining their program. One of the choices that is continuing to gain popularity is online fitness coaching services. With more and more people looking for coaches online, more and more people are calling themselves online fitness coaches without any real professional experience. As with everything, not every online coach is going to be great, or even good for that matter. The question is: can online personal training services be worth your investment?

The first thing to consider is the price of online coaching compared to other services. If you are strapped for cash and don't have much to spend every month, then a simple gym membership will be much cheaper than online coaching. The high end of the spectrum of fitness programs is one on one training locally, which online fitness coaching is much cheaper than. If you were to price out coaching and compare it to something locally, you'd probably find that group fitness programs and bootcamps are about the same price as an online fitness coach. That means you'll probably need to have around $100 per month available for the coaching program, and you'll need a few months to really see the results. If you can handle that financial, and time, investment, then online personal training can be a great option for you.

Your online trainer will focus the majority of his efforts in designing the perfect fitness plan for you. There are many things to consider when designing a proper fitness plan, including experience, scheduling, periodization, body composition goals, and much more. If you happen to hire an online coach that sends you a program without ever asking you in depth questions about your goals and needs, they aren't the right coach for you. That coach clearly didn't take the effort to make a truly custom program. Cookie cutter programs are not what you are looking for when you are looking into online personal training. Literally hundreds are available for free online. Only pay a trainer who custom designs the program for you specifically!

Nutritional guidance is also a common offering with online personal trainers and coaches. A good coach knows that your success comes down to your diet, not your training program. A lot of coaches are specializing in certain types of dietary approaches, so make sure you pick one that sit well with you. Most research shows that food types don't matter as much as your calorie and macronutrient intake when it comes to body composition changes. You shouldn't feel too restricted in your dietary plan, as this usually leads to failures. I wouldn't hire an online fitness coach that doesn't offer nutritional guidance, unless you already have your diet 100% locked in. If your diet was already perfect, then I doubt you would be looking for an online trainer in the first place.

A main factor in your success will be the communication you have with your coach so they can audit your progress regularly. Your coach needs to know how to motivate you through emails and other digital forms, since they aren't going to be counting your reps at each session like a normal trainer does. It can be easier to get motivated with a trainer being at your sessions, so online coaching does require a little more determination from the client. Online coaches happen to be well versed in knowing how to motivate without actually seeing their clients in person, so it can work great if you happen to lack a little motivation here and there. Daily contact isn't always provided, but contact should be regular and often. Your coach should also be helping you improve your overall lifestyle to fit your fitness goals. Lifestyle coaching is sometimes neglected, but it's up there with training and diet, in terms of importance for your results!

Remember, you'll need to invest a few months into coaching to reap the benefits, so make sure you can afford the financial investment! Online trainers provide awesome services on par with the best one on one trainers, but much cheaper. Look into hiring an online personal trainer next time you have a goal that you can't reach on your own!

Just doing a quick search on Google will show you some of the top online trainers available. Search for online coaches and research those that interest you. MM Fitness offers some great Online Fitness Coaching packages. You need to talk to each of the trainers you narrow it down to to make sure you are paying for the right service for you. Just because a coach is great for some doesn't mean they are perfect for you!

 By Adam M Martin

Article Source: Should You Look Into Online Fitness Coaching Programs?
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