Why You Need a Sonohysterogram

An ultrasound doesn't use any ionizing radiation, thus, there is no harmful effects. It will provide a picture that is clear of the soft tissues that normally can't be seen with x-ray images.

The best time to perform a sonohysterogram will be a week after your menstruation in order to avoid any risk of infection. There isn't any special preparation to perform this procedure. You need to inform the doctor if you think you might be pregnant. Wear clothing that is loose and comfortable, and leave your jewellery at home.

Reason for it

It normally gets done when a normal ultrasound can't find any cause for heavy bleeding. It can also be used for determining reasons for not getting pregnant or with repeated miscarriages.

The following will be checked with the images of the uterus:

For any structure or shape that is abnormal.

If there is masses or growths that is abnormal, like polyps or fibroids.

Any scarring on the inside of the uterus also called adhesions.

To find polyps and fibroids the sonohysterogram will be more accurate as to the hysterosalpingogram.

Common uses of this procedure

This technique is valuable to evaluate unexplained bleeding of the vagina which might be a result of any uterine abnormalities. This can be like: fibroids, polyps, endometrial scarring or adhesions, endometrial atrophy, congenital defects or malignant masses or lesions.

A sonohysterogram is used for investigating of any abnormalities in the women's uterine when they experience multiple miscarriages or infertility.

These ultrasound images can help the doctor to evaluate the problem. They can see the following: if there is a blockage with the flow of blood like clots, tumours, blood flow in polyps and congenital malformation, or aneurysms and pelvic varicose veins.


You should only schedule your appointment for a sonohysterogram if:

You are sure that you won't have any menstrual bleeding. You should do this preferably a week after you had your menstrual period. This is said to be the best time to check the lining as the lining of the uterine will be the thinnest.

If you suspect that you might be pregnant make sure that you are not before doing this procedure. Get a pregnancy test done first.

You shouldn't have any kind of pelvic infection. These include pelvic inflammatory disease or an infection that is sexually transmitted like Chlamydia or gonorrhoea.

Make sure that you doctor knows if you are allergic to any kind of latex. They might ask you to sign a consent form that will state your understanding of any risks, and that you are in agreement to do the procedure.

If you have any concerns about the test, how it will be performed, the risks that might be involve, and what the meaning of the results will be, talk to your doctor in advance.

Experiences during, as well as after this procedure

Most patients will easily tolerate this procedure because it's a painless examination. This procedure is performed to find out the cause of your pelvic pain. It is said to be more comfortable than a manual examination by your doctor.

During a sonohysterogram there might be some cramping when the saline is introduced. You can get any over-the-counter medication if needed that will be sufficient in minimizing the discomfort that is associated with this procedure.

There might be a little spotting after you had the procedure for only a few days but it is normal. After the procedure is done it should be easy for you to resume immediately any of your normal activities.

The benefits and risks


Most of the scanning done through an ultrasound will be non-invasive. It usually doesn't require any injections or needles.

Occasionally there might be a temporary uncomfortable feeling with the ultrasound exam but it won't be painful. If you have pain, inform your doctor immediately.

Ultrasound is easy-to-use and widely available. It is also not as expensive as what other imaging methods are.

It doesn't use any ionized radiation and the imaging is very safe.

This procedure will give the doctor a very clear picture, that doesn't show well with x-ray images, of the soft tissues.

A sonohysterogram has very little complications and it is a minimally invasive procedure that patients can tolerate well.

The procedure provides a clear and excellent view of your endometrial lining and the uterus, and it is also relatively short.

With a sonohysterogram procedure, it will give the doctor a detailed view of many uterine abnormalities, which is not possible with a routine trans-vaginal ultrasound.

It can also prevent any unnecessary surgery, as well as ensure that all fibroids and polyps will be removed surgically.


There is not any harmful risk or effects to humans that is known off with this procedure.
However, it is always wise to consult a professional. Talk you your doctor before the procedure about any fears you may have.

You can also visit this blog for more detail about this procedure.

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