The Need To DEVELOP Future Leaders

No matter how terrific, and/ or effective today's leadership may be, until and/ or unless, an organization emphasizes developing future leaders, it will find itself challenged, to maintain viability or sustainability. Although this may sound obviously, basic and/ or rudimentary, I have discovered, during my four decades of identifying, qualifying, training, developing and consulting to thousands of actual and/ or potential leaders, few organizations consider it the priority, it should be! One of the primary responsibilities of an effective, meaningful leader, is conceiving of, creating, developing and implementing a relevant, sustainable system, which must have, as one of its core priorities, developing future leaders, who might bring the organization forward, effectively, in the future. Therefore, this article will discuss the need to DEVELOP future leaders.

1. Dreams; dig in: Vibrant, vital visions bring about dreams, but only when dreams transform to meaningful goals, are most others attracted to the cause! Maintain your dreams, but persevere and persist, and dig in, so you can tackle and overcome challenges and obstacles, rather than letting perceived problems bury you!

2. Example; excellence: Leaders who others perceive of in a positive manner, will always find it simpler, attracting others to a cause, etc! You must strive to be the example that others proudly point to, and emulate! Never forego your focus on excellence!

3. Visions; views; values: How vital are your visions, as far as others are concerned? Do you proceed with an open - mind, considering alternatives and options, in order to transform your values, to ones which others will share? When one's visions, and views, are combined with commendable values, it becomes far easier, to attract the right individuals, to be future leaders!

4. Empathy: Never be one of those, My way or the highway, type of leaders! Take the time, and prioritize your efforts, to consistently listen effectively, and discover what your constituents care most deeply about, their needs, priorities and goals, as well as their perceptions. When this becomes your consistent behavior, you will become capable of proceeding with the sort of empathy, which attracts, rather than disparages!

5. Learning; look - ahead: A true leader must be constantly learning, and simultaneously teaching and developing. Get others involved, and look ahead to the future needs, and consider who might best serve the group, into the future!

6. Options; originality; orderly: be aware of options and alternatives, and use them appropriately! Be careful to avoid boring a potential leader, and use your originality, to discuss, and motivate effectively! Sustainable organizations maintain an orderly transition of power and authority!

7. Planning; priorities: There is no such thing as a born leader. If you want to develop future leaders, create a step - by - step, organized approach, and implement and utilize a professional, leadership planning program! Doing this must be one of your top priorities!

Look to the future, or you will never lead, as effectively as you could, and should! You must DEVELOP future leaders!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: The Need To DEVELOP Future Leaders

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