Why Leaders Utilize EVENTS

Nearly every viable organization, depends upon certain special meetings, functions and event, either to attract new potential members to their cause, retain existing ones, for educational/ training purposes, to conduct business, in order to bestow some sort of honor or special mentions, and/ or for social reasons, etc. Each component often has a major contributing factor, to the viability, relevance and sustainability of the group. Some groups hold annual or periodical conventions and/ or conferences, while others prioritize fundraising, as the major purpose for holding these galas, etc. Regardless of the reasons, needs and priorities, the vast majority of leaders, especially effective ones, seek to take the best advantage of these, and focus on why, and how, to properly and effectively take advantage of, and utilize EVENTS.

1. Energize; encourage; effects: True leaders realize one of their most challenging, yet essential duties, is performing in a manner, which energizes their stakeholders, to get more involved, and care more deeply. One uses an event to provide an additional reason/ factor, to encourage more participation and loyalty. One aims to bring about positive responses, and thus, more ardent, involved and loyal supporters and constituents. This is the desired effect!

2. Visions; views; value; values: True leaders must possess a vibrant, vital vision, and wise ones will utilize events to best articulate and/ or demonstrate others to buy - into it! These functions provide a direct, face - to - face opportunity to express and discuss views, which in today's digital society, often is forgotten! To attract and have a desirable impact, an event must provide both actual, as well as perceived value! One of the important goals should be to attract others, to participate and share common values!

3. Empathy: Politicians often use rhetoric and empty promises, to attempt to demonstrate to voters, how much they care. However, in order to garner long - term support, one must clearly demonstrate actual empathy, based on effective listening and learning!

4. Needs; niche: Groups should tweak their mission statements, from time to time, to assure it is still relevant, etc. However, a leader must recognize, his organization must avoid trying to be all things, to all people! Understand and recognize your special niche, and clearly prove why the organization remains relevant and necessary. Focus on addressing needs, concerns and priorities, while maintaining an open mind, and quality communications!

5. Trends; take - aways: Times change, and so must how groups operate and relate! Recognize and communicate how you've adapted and taken advantage of trends, etc! Ask yourself, what are the take - aways, you seek attendees to leave your event, focusing on?

6. Stronger; system: Events only succeed when they make the group stronger, and more viable! Conceive, develop, implement, articulate and communicate, how your system makes your organization, more relevant and necessary!

Smart leaders use their EVENTS to make their organizations, and constituents, stronger, better and more involved! When one is able to get attendees to leave with positive thoughts, you've achieve much of your objective!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: Why Leaders Utilize EVENTS

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