First, understand why goal setting is important. By setting goals, you have a clear blueprint to take you from where you are now to where you want to be. A blueprint serves as a detailed roadmap including precise steps that must be followed, in sequence, in order to move from vision to actuality. Goal setting creates order and allows for realistic assessment. You can not move from dreaming about flying a plane to being a pilot without research, training and practice. All 3 steps are relevant and necessary and must be followed in sequential order.
Secondly, set short-term goals, due tomorrow or next week; set midterm goals, due in 6 months or in 1 year; and set long-term goals, due in 5 years or as appropriate for you particular goal. The series of miniature tasks all lead to fulfillment of that ultimate target. This will help you identify what you need to do to make steady progress towards your ultimate goal. A short-term goal that is due tomorrow can include making phone calls to known experts or carving out 2 hours for internet research on your specific topic. A midterm goal that is due in several months can include completion of a continuing education course to increase your knowledge. A long-term goal due in 5 years can include international travel or formal education.
Third, focus on the long-term objective with the end in mind. Work your way through the small action items that will bring you closer to the bigger than life goal that you may find hard to imagine attaining today. Each week, set a short-term action for yourself that will lead you to your midterm goal that may take 6 months or more to achieve. Each month, access your short-term goal progress, make modifications and recommit to attain midterm goals by the due date you set for yourself in the near future. By achieving smaller goals leading to your large goal, you will build confidence and be encouraged to keep going.
Now that you have a plan for achieving your goals, begin to visualize what your life will look like once you attain your long-term goals. Imagine your celebration, big or small. Reassure yourself that you deserve to have it. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and encourage you sincerely and frequently.
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By Carla F Maxey
Article Source: Hashtag Goals: 3 Simple Steps to Goal Attainment