His Right Hand Sustains Us

I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth. Job 19:25

This is one of those day the Lord wakes me up in the wee of the morning, not to speak to me, but that I speak with Him. And yes, it's not a monologue, He does respond. And His responses are reassuring, and heartwarming; and they give me comfort and confidence and conviction, but most importantly they give me a great understanding of His nature, of His character, and especially of His love.

After a long study through Galatians 3 and Genesis 12, 15 AND 17, AND Romans 4, and Matthew and John and Luke and Mark, in that order, He led me to Palms 18, just to show me a few things I hadn't seen, though I have read this psalm uncountable times.

Yet in it I discovered how powerful my standing is against Satan, and how secure my position is in Christ. This is not something I didn't know, yet it's easy to let your brain hide things which are extraordinarily important to our faith and to our relationship with God. And this isn't a small thing, for I know firsthand how every Christian I know has gone through moments of weakness, and even of failure; moments when in spite of what they know, they feel defeated, incompetent, incapable to stand and fight.

Yet the Bible tells us that we are competent as ministers, all of us, not just a few, it tells us that we have an impenetrable armor which covers all the essentials for our standing, and furthermore, for advancing, and pushing forward in battle. But, and this is something I have written about in the past, the lesser understanding of our identities, and the often slacking in our pursuit of sanctification, through devotion and prayer, renders us useless for Christ, and positions us in the place of mere bystanders, rather than soldiers, equipped and able to fight.

Psalm 18 tells us that He keeps my lamp burning, He turns my darkness into light, with His help I can advance against any challenge or tribulation, He gives me power to scale walls. Hallelujah. Furthermore, this psalm tells us that: "He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze. You make your saving help my shield, and your right hand sustains me; your help has made me great. You provide a broad path for my feet, so that my ankles do not give way." (V. 33-36)

This Psalm was written prophetically by David in the midst of his victory over Saul, and yet it fits handsomely in the life of the redeemed. For we are a generation of soldiers, looking head on at the last battlefield, for as History evolves in front of our eyes, and as prophesy is being fulfilled through the historic events taking place around the world, we cannot afford to ignore our calling, our obligation, and the enormous implications they bring with them. For God chose us for His glory, and for our battling with all our might to fulfill our commitment, the task we've been assigned.

Job, in the midst of suffering, had a glimpse of the blessed hope, and so did Abraham and Isaac, and Jacob, and the judges and the prophets; as it did every man God set aside for His glory throughout the History of the Old Testament. But to us, He gave a revelation; a privilege which none of these great men and women had.

Therefore, because this privilege includes a blessing and a gift which can never be taken away from us, which is Christ in us, the hope of glory (Col.1:27) we have the greatest reason to fight, to stand and to not let up in our pursuit of the crown of righteousness, for we know that our redeemer lives, and we know that we've been sealed, set aside and given the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of our blessed Hope.

So, let us march to battle, knowing that the war has already been won, and that He has trained our hands for battle, and that His right hand sustains us.

May the Lord Bless you and Keep you, and may His face continue to shine upon you as you gird your body with your armor and stand courageous in readiness, for all good work, and for Holiness!

Jose A. Luna

A servant of Christ Jesus

http://casadesalvacion.blogspot.com, http://www.casadesalvacion.com

 By Jose Luna

Article Source: His Right Hand Sustains Us

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