Trade Marketing = Marketing to Trade
Shopper Marketing = Marketing inside the Trade
Customer Marketing = Trdae Marketing + Shopper Marketing
There has been an age-old discussion on this point of difference between these 3 terms and my LinkedIn post on the same topic sometimes ago broke all engagement records for me. Off lately, as our business Asbicon has specialised more and more in the Shopper area, this has allowed me to dive deeper into this phenomenon and am happy to share our thinking with all.
Very simply, all the marketing activities from the manufacturer to the retailer/trade so that the retailer/trade stocks and sells that product or service can be called Trade Marketing. All the marketing that happens within the retailer/trade to the shopper of a product or service can be called Shopper Marketing. Both Trade and Shopper Marketing combined can be referred to as Customer Marketing. There are a lot of further details that would sit beneath this such as manufacturer or service provider's contribution versus retail or trade contribution in these areas of marketing, some overlaps that are bound to exist and the development trajectory of these concepts as channel landscapes change such as the emergence of digital.
Trade Marketing = Marketing to Trade
Shopper Marketing = Marketing inside the Trade
Customer Marketing = Trdae Marketing + Shopper Marketing
Asbicon is a Shopper focused "Sales & Marketing Support Company" catering to the Consumer Goods and Services sector. Asbicon enables this through its 7 verticals providing Retail & Distribution effectiveness to its clients.
1. Dezign Services : Asbicon Dezign Services provides Shopper Focused Design for Consumer Goods and Services organisations. An initiative by the Asbicon Group, Sales & Marketing support company enabling Retail and Distribution effectiveness for the Consumer Goods and Services organisations, we cater to the growing needs of business requiring insight inspired design.
2. Capability Development :Asbicon Learning is based on the structured and progressive methodology of GAIN and WIN which has been specifically developed for the Consumer Goods and Services sector. Asbicon Learning enables this through a combination of virtual and physical training sessions across the world. Clients have high flexibility of choosing Single person – Single learning capsule training through to a full calendar of training based on GAIN and WIN for hundreds of employees.
3. Data Services : Our Data & Software Development services support the client’s journey from ‘Insights to Ideation through to Implementation’ using the following offerings:
Data Cleansing
Data Structuring & Segmentation
Data Analysis
Data Models and Projections
Data Visualization
Insight Mining
Applications & Software focused on Point of Purchase (PoP) success
4. Shopper Research : Asbicon Research, the research arm of Asbicon, offers a range of qualitative and quantitative research services across Europe, Middle East, Asia, Africa & Americas. Our market research techniques encompass focus groups, in-depth interviews, ethnography, customer surveys, shopper studies, questionnaires and analysis of secondary data.
5. Assisted Advisory : Asbicon helps develop, influence & transform internal Sales/ Business development & external Shopper Marketing strategies and operational plans for Consumer Goods and Services organisations to enable Retail & Distribution effectiveness through the following services: Shopper Marketing Customer Marketing Trade Marketing Category Management Point of Purchase Effectiveness Key Account Management Customer Joint Business Planning Sales force Effectiveness
6. IT Solutions : Asbicon’s Sales & Marketing support services coupled with our innovative and extensive host of IT enablement tools help Consumer Goods and Services organisations deliver efficient and effective futuristic services.
7. Digital Marketing : Asbicon Express provides Digital and Social Marketing solutions. We cater to the growing needs of Aspiring Brands by providing end to end Creative, Design and Marketing solutions at various levels.
If anyone wishes to discuss more on these topics, please feel free to reach out.
Ankur Shiv Bhandari