Beliefs. They are the underlying operating system for how we make our decisions and therefore what we decide to do and not do. They live in our subconscious mind, which does not have the ability to accept nor reject information. Meaning, any time we have an emotional reaction to something, the belief around it is automatically accepted into our subconscious mind unless we are using our conscious mind (which can accept or reject information), to vet what goes in there. Most people don't realize they can do this, and what happens if they don't! So if deep down we don't feel worthy of success, we will see life and make designs form this lens. We must first get clear on what is in there, and then reprogram it with new empowered beliefs if what's in there isn't so great.
My motto is that we need to be of service first and foremost always in our businesses. When we can accept and trust the universe always has our backs, and is going to show-us more and more people and opportunities to serve, we can relax, have fun and be of complete service. We're not worrying about money in this place or where the next client is going to come from. The money is secondary.
However, if we aren't open to receiving money, we will create all kinds of problems for ourselves. For example, when I first started looking at my own money beliefs, I realized deep down I believed rich people were in some way arrogant and selfish. I was sabotaging the success I said I wanted because I had a value conflict - I didn't want to be that type of person.
Here are 3 things you can do now to become aware of your beliefs around money and start shifting them too.
1. What do you believe about money and success? What were you taught by society, your culture and influential people in your life while growing-up?
2. What would you like to believe instead? What is the new empowered belief you would like to have in place for the old? Repeat this over and over and OVER!!!! You will start to reprogram your subconscious mind by creating new experiences that support this new empowered belief i.e. things will start happening in your external world that support this new belief! YAY!
3. Find role models who are at the level you want to be at, who also share the same values as you. This will help you reframe how you are seeing successful people. As Tony Robbins said, money just magnifies who you are already. If you're an a-hole, it will make you a bigger a-hole. If you're kind and loving, you will spread more love and kindness. I totally agree.
Have fun exploring, and get ready for financial abundance!
PS If you are doing really well in your business, but still always seem to just have enough to get by with your current expenses and lifestyle, there is more digging and shifting to be done.
By Chris Atley
Article Source: 3 Pertinent Ways to Shift Your Limiting Money Beliefs
My motto is that we need to be of service first and foremost always in our businesses. When we can accept and trust the universe always has our backs, and is going to show-us more and more people and opportunities to serve, we can relax, have fun and be of complete service. We're not worrying about money in this place or where the next client is going to come from. The money is secondary.
However, if we aren't open to receiving money, we will create all kinds of problems for ourselves. For example, when I first started looking at my own money beliefs, I realized deep down I believed rich people were in some way arrogant and selfish. I was sabotaging the success I said I wanted because I had a value conflict - I didn't want to be that type of person.
Here are 3 things you can do now to become aware of your beliefs around money and start shifting them too.
1. What do you believe about money and success? What were you taught by society, your culture and influential people in your life while growing-up?
2. What would you like to believe instead? What is the new empowered belief you would like to have in place for the old? Repeat this over and over and OVER!!!! You will start to reprogram your subconscious mind by creating new experiences that support this new empowered belief i.e. things will start happening in your external world that support this new belief! YAY!
3. Find role models who are at the level you want to be at, who also share the same values as you. This will help you reframe how you are seeing successful people. As Tony Robbins said, money just magnifies who you are already. If you're an a-hole, it will make you a bigger a-hole. If you're kind and loving, you will spread more love and kindness. I totally agree.
Have fun exploring, and get ready for financial abundance!
PS If you are doing really well in your business, but still always seem to just have enough to get by with your current expenses and lifestyle, there is more digging and shifting to be done.
By Chris Atley
Article Source: 3 Pertinent Ways to Shift Your Limiting Money Beliefs