Ringo's Words Are Far More Relevant Today Than The Peace And Love Messages Of His Bandmates

Much of the late sixties work of The Beatles is filled with messages about peace, change, and hope. John Lennon sang All You Need Is Love and Revolution, while Paul McCartney contributed political ballads like Blackbird and The Fool On the Hill.
Their solo albums, such as Lennon's Imagine and McCartney's Pipes of Peace, contain even more philosophical musings about improving the world. George Harrison's individual work has probably even more idealistic lyrics, especially in hits like Give Me Love and My Sweet Lord.

Thus it is that I am somewhat surprised that it is Ringo Starr who has offered the philosophy I find myself reflecting on most. The words come not from any of his songs, but from his conversations during interviews.
Back in September Starr appeared on the Tavis Smiley show on PBS, when he discussed his new book of photographs he had taken during his days with The Beatles. Starr also discussed his early days as the drummer with Rory Storm before he joined Paul, John, and George.

A few years before that two-part episode, Ringo did a radio interview with Steven Van Zandt, host of the program Little Steven's Underground Garage. On that show Starr discussed his latest record at the time, the autobiographical Liverpool 8.

Aside from his honest and often humorous offerings about his subtle but effective drum technique, his albums, and his dedication to diet and fitness, Starr frequently adds personal observations that apply to many people beyond just fans of The Beatles or the generations after them. There is one statement I find myself repeating now, when contemplating the state of my country.

"There are a lot of hungry birds in the world," Starr told Tavis Smiley. "You can't feed them all, so you feed the ones in your back yard."

That political philosophy is shared by many Americans, who want their country's leaders to pay more attention to domestic interests over international concerns. It is one of the reasons Donald Trump in the November election received enough support to pull an upset to become President over Hillary Clinton, whose well-publicized experience as Secretary of State and international relations more than likely worked against her.
Starr's statement, at its heart, encourages people to take care of their own problems before trying to solve those of others. Certainly there are thousands of people in need all over the world, but we should first take care of those right here in the United States.


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