Leaders: Never Pretend, But Be A True FRIEND!

Try not to be misled by the title of this article! There is a huge difference, between being a real friend, and abandoning the role and duties needed to be a true leader, and merely seeking popularity and/ or agreement! True friends seek to do, whatever they can, to enhance and help others. They look beyond the immediate, and never join the crowd, which simply relies of blaming and complaining. They seek solutions, which will make a difference, for the better, in the lives of those they serve. They proceed, without prejudgment, listening effectively and thoroughly, asking follow - up questions, and addressing needs, concerns and priorities expressed, while simultaneously attempting to dispel false notions and perceptions. When one simply agrees, to fit in, gain votes (or popularity), he is not leading! Taking those steps is merely pretending, and does not make one a meaningful leader! Let's review what it takes, and means, for a leader, to be a true FRIEND.

1. Faithful; forthright: True friends say the same thing, regardless of who is, or isn't listening! They are consistently faithful to their constituents, seeking to serve their best interests and needs. Being honest, truthful, and forthright, are all essential characteristics!

2. Relevant; real; reliable: Beware of someone who performs like a magician, and focuses on misdirection, and illusion, rather than content and reality! Don't sweat the petty stuff, nor resort to harping on the past, and merely blaming and complaining, Introduce relevant, real solutions, and demonstrate, you are fit to be a leader, because you are reliable, and ready!

3. Ideas; ideals; integrity: One cannot truly be a leader, without meaningful, relevant ideas, aimed at solutions to challenges and obstacles! Be certain your approaches are true to the core ideals of those you serve, and maintain as close to absolute integrity, as you possibly can!

4. Empathy; excellence; example: Never proceed, in such a way, as to indicate you believe you have all the answers, and it's My way, or the highway! Listen, observe and pay attention, and proceed with the highest degree of empathy, and you will become the friend, others seek! Accept only the best solutions, by seeking excellence! Will you live in a way, which will make you the example, others point to, with pride and satisfaction?

5. Needs: A real friend learns what others need, and proceeds to address those needs, concerns and priorities, in a well - considered manner!

6. Delve deeply; deliver: Will you dig a little deeper, and delve deeply into what is going on, what has been, and what you hope will be? How will you assure, you deliver on your promises, and become a leader, who is considered a friend?

You can't fake it, or pretend to care! A true leader never pretends, but focuses on what it means, to be a genuine FRIEND.

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

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