It's Always About Economics and Politics Isn't It?

After the 2012 re-election of Barack Obama our think tank was discussing the challenges the Obama Administration's policies and continued direction would do to our small business community, jobs, and our economy. One of the think tank members stated:

"The reason either party takes office is due to several swing states that sometimes change their position on a President. Looking at the state level there is a lot less uncertainty. States should create this standardization and allow for a more efficient business sector. We will simply fight an uphill battle if we focus on the big dog."
 You know, I was thinking that a first term president, if they just stated right after the election that they wanted every branch of the federal government to reduce regulations, and put out the word that all cities, counties and states need to help with this. Just the statement alone and an executive order to reduce regulatory burdens especially on small business - along with a list of areas most important to look at with suggestions and simple protocols to consider, could start a wave of positive change and a force of people working on this problem.

Imagine the immediate new money in small business start-ups, funding in the sector, equipment manufacturers gearing up. Hell, I could, we could do that without even being in the White House if they'd listen, but this President will not, he has never run a business. Romney would have for sure, he knows, he could have had one of his son's spear head it, can you imagine the difference that this country would look like right now? McCain, maybe with the right convincing through his wife's family business contacts, she is a long-time self-employed person, whole family is involved in AZ in the bottling business.

We as Americans should never sacrifice our small business growth engine over politics, it ought to be the one thing that is 'politics neutral' and we owe it to ourselves to see that our government and the leaders of both parties understand this - it should be a given - regardless of political party affiliation.

Now then, that was our conversation back in 2012 after the re-election of Obama, now we have a different scenario, we have Donald Trump in power, a pro-business guy who gets the economy, understands business and realizes what is choking off our small business growth engine. President Trump also has the Republicans in charge of Congress, just imagine what they could do to help our small businesses and turbo charge our main domestic growth engine.

Lance Winslow is an Online Author, his latest Small Business eBooks are about The US Economy. Lance Winslow is semi-retired and Founder of the Online Think Tank - You may contact Lance Winslow by email for dialogue, discourse, discussion, or debate on interesting topics.

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