From Atheist To Vibrant Faith

What would it take for America's shock jock to tell you to calm down? Such is the story of Liz Curtis Higgs, a disc jockey that had such an edge that even Howard Stern cautioned her to slow down and take it easy.

She would later share that being warned by Stern that she was getting out of control gave her pause.

She was a strong feminist at the time, words that she stressed, especially the strong part. She had been burned by too many men and was done with relationships.

However, Higgs had a believing friend who invited her to church time and again. Reluctantly Higgs agreed to go with her friend one Sunday morning, the emphasis on "one" time.

Ironically the sermon was about marriage, and Paul's words about how husbands and wives should treat one another. The pastor shared the Apostle's words, "Wives, submit to your husband." As the words rang out Higgs felt the tension in her body, that is until the minister continued the rest of Paul's words to the believers in Ephesus, "Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and died for her."

The words stunned Liz so much that she leaned over and whispered to her friend, "I'd gladly give myself to any man if I knew he would die for me."

Her friend leaned back over and whispered, "Someone did die for you Liz, Jesus did, and he loves you very much." A strange glow flooded her heart, and with that Liz surrendered her heart to Christ. Today she writes about the love and faith she found in Christ, and how she found true freedom in life.

Someone once said there are three types of people in the world, those who are afraid, those who don't know enough to be afraid, and those who know their Bibles. Those who follow the scriptures that point to the Word are free indeed and have nothing to fear because Christ is their life, their righteousness.

Paul would also tell the believers at Ephesus, "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light" (Ephesians 5:8).

Light drives out the darkness and shines the light on the truth of God. That is the privilege and calling for all who trust in Christ, who died for you and me. Ready to step out of the dark and into the light? Simply enter the open door of grace and mercy, and trust the one who loves you very much.

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