Tips To Help You Set Up Your First Wiccan Altar

Wiccan altar is the place used for prayer and worship in wiccan religion. The raised structure contains functional and symbolic items for the purposes of worshipping god and the goddess, saying prayers, chants and casting spells. The altar will be your personal place as a practitioner and you will of course need the different religious item to place on the altar to complete. Some of the common items you need for the altar include candles, broom, athame, chalice, pentacle, wand and cauldrons as well as incense and others. Below are some basic tips to help you with your altar building efforts.

Tip 1 - Find a table that is adequately sized to start off the altar. Let the table be sturdy, in good condition and clean because it will of course be used for sacred purposes. When placing the table, be selective with the positioning. It is best that you choose the area of the room that receives moonlight and sunlight.

Tip 2 - Throw on an altar cloth that is suitable enough for the size of the altar table. Not every color works for the cloth; choose green, which symbolizes nature, black that is symbolic of the element of earth or blue and silver which are symbolic for goddess.

Tip 3 - Because Wiccan is all about harmonizing the energies, ensure that you do not end up overcrowding the altar otherwise you will have a chaotic energy flow. Start by placing the god statue or the goddess in the center of the altar and ensure there is some kind of offering beneath the statue as a Deity respect symbol.

Tip 4 - Place candles on either side of your statue and they can be seven-day candles or regular tapered candles. If need be, use appropriate candle holders. You can also dress the candles using essential oils that are charged with specific energy.

Tip 5 - Make sure that you choose an altar position with minimal interference and tampering. This is your sacred place and therefore nothing and nobody should easily manipulate or tamper with it. Treat the altar with care and respect because it directly reflects spiritual self.

Tip 6 - Leave some space on your altar for divination. This could be a crystal ball, tarot, pendulum or any other method you personally find appropriate. If you wish to do divinations elsewhere, so you do not disturb the Chi flow from your altar, then that would be fine too.

Tip 7 - Tend to the altar on a regular basis to directly feel effects into your life. For instance, clean it thoroughly, put on fresh altar cloth, preferably in a bright color and decorate it using new Wiccan stuff to decongest or release a stuck kind of life.

Wicca altar is a very important aspect of Wiccan religion and many witches have this. It is not a place only for witchy stuff but also serves as focal point of magical energies, reminder of ideals, home of the divine and echo of beliefs and wishes.

There are so many Wiccan supplies you can easily find online. Choose the best for your altar and set it up right to enjoy the flow of energies.
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