Issued With Another Body

It was difficult for the people of Corinth to accept that one receives a glorified body after death.
I still remember how afraid I was and how strange it was for me to leave my mom behind at Youngsfield when I had to get on the train for two years' army training. I had no idea what to expect. It all started even before the train had left the station. On arrival in Bloemfontein we had to line up at every store. You had to sign for everything you got. At the end of the day we lined up fully equipped with everything from boots, underpants (called a Santamaria because it was as big as a tent) to a steel helmet. You even got a brand new R4 rifle. Issued to do the work.

In a similar manner, says Paul, each of us will be equipped with a new body. 44The seed sown is natural; the seed grown is supernatural-same seed, same body, but what a difference from when it goes down in physical mortality to when it is raised up in spiritual immortality!

It's quite natural to be a bit afraid of a new body; it's natural to be afraid of the unfamiliar. No, we know we're going to heaven, but we don't really know what will happen there and uncertainty brings with it a certain amount of fear.

However, we shouldn't live as if the body we have now is the only body. No, we should live as if the end of our earthly life is the beginning of a new life. And when the new life begins, we're issued with a new body. We can live fully. We can use up our bodies.

George Barnard Shaw (1856-1950 playwright and winner of the Nobel peace prize) said:
I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live.

This is someone who knew that your body has a due date. This is someone who knew that you'll be issued with a new body. We don't have to work sparingly with this body to keep something over for later on.
The challenge for each of us: To live fully. Push it into the limit. Live for others like George Bernard Shaw did. Use up all your fuel. Carpe diem - Seize very moment. Live with the desire to be available where someone may need you. And dream about the new body that will be issued to you.


Do you believe in life hereafter?

Do you believe that you will receive a new body?

Do you live like that?


Lord, thank you that I can know that one day I will receive a new body. Yes, I don't always understand everything, but I want to make the most of everything right now. I want to use my body to make a difference in the lives of others and to honour your Name in doing so. Amen
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