How Will You Weigh Your OPTIONS?

So, you've been elected or selected to a position of leadership. Hopefully, you are qualified, ready, prepared (or believe you are), and the type of rare individual, who will make a meaningful leader! What happens next? The reality is, the true challenge to effective leadership, is how one might handle the many challenges, obstacles, and times, when one must be ready, willing and able, to make a well - considered decision. Since there are generally several paths one might take, much of the probability of future success, will be dependent on which one, is taken! How will you consider, and weigh your OPTIONS?

1. Organized; outlook:

Much of one's possible future success, is his personal outlook and attitude? Are you someone who believes it can be done, or looks for reasons it cannot? When a leader possesses a realistic, but, positive outlook, his potential is enhanced! However, unless, and until, someone combines this positive perspective, with an organized, well - planned, and well - considered system and approach, even the best ideas, will often go for naught!
2. Planning; priorities:

Consider carefully how essential it is to plan, if you hope to lead! Begins with differentiating and focusing upon priorities, and avoid the tendency to get stuck spending too much time, energy and focus, on the petty stuff! Be certain what you consider a priority, is truly what your organization needs most, and first! Develop a system and a plan, so you might enhance your leadership planning abilities!

3. Timely; trends:

Perhaps the greatest carcinogen, to effective leadership, is procrastination! Many put things off, either because of uncertainty, fears, wanting to avoid taking a (possibly unpopular) stand, or hoping to delay something difficult, to a future leader! A true leader always takes well - considered, timely action, because he realizes delay often makes a relatively simpler challenge, far more difficult in the future! Identify, understand and utilize whatever trends, might be relevant, useful and usable!

4. Ideas; ideology; integrity: 

 How pure and relevant is your central ideology? Will you be ready, willing and able, to maintain absolute integrity, even when you are tempted by a more convenient, shortcut? Will you introduce ideas, to be discussed, and used, for the enhancement and improvement, of your group and constituents?

5. Needs; niche:

Effectively leading is not a one - size - fits - all, experience or behavior! Rather, you must identify and understand your organization and constituents, so you can best serve their specific niche! However, realize, leading is always a needs - oriented, priority!

6. Sustainable system; strengthen:

Will your organization become stronger, more viable, and relevant, because of your efforts and decisions? How will the path you select, best lead to implementation of a much - needed, sustainable system?

When you arrive at Robert Frost's much - heralded path, be ready to choose wisely! Weigh those OPTIONS. and serve your organization, to the best of your abilities and potential!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for over 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

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