Holistic Health/Spirituality and How It Can Change Your Life Like It Did Mine

Greetings and thank you very much for reading this article. I would like to explain to you my interest in holistic health/energy healing and where it has led me today and how it has changed my life.

My passion has always been helping people, but my whole life the problem has been finding a way in which I could do so, in my own way. To do this I had to find myself, figure out who I am and what I really want to do. I had always been pushed in a specific direction to satisfy certain expectations put on me by my family.

But since I was a child I knew I wouldn't live the "regular" life even though I didn't fully understand that feeling then. At the age of 18 I began researching and learning about spirituality and the more I learned, the more it all made sense to me. I always take what works for me and being introduced to spirituality was a wonderful occurrence because it allowed me to open my mind more than ever imaginable.

I have always felt "extra" emotions or feelings and am very intuitive but never really understood it and with no one to explain what I was experiencing, I simply shrugged it off assuming that everyone was this same way. Spirituality (for me) has been a great permission slip for me to be who I really am and that was one of the best decisions of my life. Finally deciding to dive fully into my own path, my spirituality, I found out what it is I love to do. Obviously I love helping people, but the route I wanted to go in and that felt most aligned with my true being was Energy Healing. The funny thing about this was realizing for myself that I have always been doing this, in one way or another, without being fully aware of what I was doing.

I am currently in the process of being certified under the practice of Shamanism and Reiki, while training daily to improve my skills. The teachings each one of those modalities has to offer is amazing, so much is learned and a change in you begins as well. This change you begin to go through is something commonly known as "shamanic death" or "the shaman's death". I have also come to realize that massage therapy is also another form of energy healing, focusing more on the physical body however there is still energy work being done.

Since I was a child I have always given my family members massages and absolutely loved it. I enjoy the soothing and calming mood set by massage. Of course when I mentioned my interest in giving massages, to my parents as a child, I was told this career didn't make much money and that was the last time I considered going down that sort of therapeutic path. This is the number one reason, in my opinion, why our little ones do not end up following their passion and instead search for a career that gives them the most money and a career they can tolerate. This is a set-up for an unhappy lifestyle. I believe it has been proven many times over that money, can not buy you happiness. So I recommend you follow your passion, it's never too late. I know that we can do whatever it is we want to do and succeed!

All in all, living your life caring for yourself in a holistic manner is an alternative way to live that a lot of people might say is better than western views on medicine/treatment, myself included among those people.

Remember to look at your health and body as a whole. Everything in your body is connected, this should be no surprise. Our mind, body, and spirit must be in union and communion with each other and we can find balance with ourselves. And with that balance we can observe as all the sicknesses and disease leaves us. Have you ever broken down the word disease? Its simple, dis-ease. So be at ease with yourself and everyone among you. We are all brothers and sisters living on our beautiful planet earth who shares all this life with us. Thank you again, I had fun sharing my passion with you and I wish a healthy and happy lifestyle for us all.

Please visit http://www.namastehealthyliving.com for more information on me. I also offer energy healing services as well as massage therapy, thank you. Namaste!

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